Hernia for my 1yr.
I've been in the hospital with extreme pain at one of my inscision sights, had a cat scan and they found a nice big hernia. It needs to be operated on ASAP. I have an appt. on Mon. morning for the surgeon. Along with the hernia they found a growth on my only remaining ovary. I had a partial hysterectomy when I was 20, I had cervical cancer that was spreading. I had an ultra-sound yesterday, and will know soon the results on that.
Good news is I've finally made it to under 200 lbs!!! current weight is 197.5 !!!! I find it hard to celebrate though with all this pain I am in.
Please pray for me. I will keep everyone here posted about whats happening. I am so scared.

Diane, Hi there sweetie pie
If anyone can sympathize with you on hernia pain....It's me. I could not bear the pain any longer. I finally in September let them operate on me. I am now back to work. Please take care of it before it strangulates OK? I am praying for you OK.
will be looking over you also.
I hope your growth is benign . I will say prayers over and over for you Ok.
Take care and let the
watch over you.

Hi Diana,
I am sharing the same plight with the hernia. Unfortunately for me my surgeon did not find mine when I went in for a check up, even though I felt like something was wrong. Anyway I kept lifting weights and carrying on with normal life for about three weeks and then the real pain started, I west to my regualar doctor, *****ferred me to a surgeon and he found a rather large hernia.
I will probably have surgery this month ( December) too. On the plus side, I will probably get a tummy tuck at the same time, so there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Good luck and I will keep you in my prayers.

Hi Diane. I have been off the boards for a while and now just catching up on some posts. I am SO SORRY to hear about this and my thoughts and prayers are with you. You sound like such a strong woman and I'm confident that you can get through this like a champ. Please keep us posted - we all really care.
All the best,
PS Congrats on reaching 197.5.
I'm so happy for you! I'm close to the 150s and trying to get there before my one-year on Sunday!!