Lorraine...how are you today?
HI there Kimberly, Thanks for you concern. All you guys are great. I went back to work today. All is well Thank God. I just prayed and prayed that I would not have to go to the OR to be operated again.
The pains just went away. I have to just eat my 3 meals. Not junk and remember to chew some tums and keep my bowels moving. Wow what a conversation
I am taking the 2 protonics he put me on and now I am eating solid food again. I am very gassy all the time so I have to eat some Rolaids after meals.
I went to the urologist to have a kidney sonogram because I had stones before.... Negative..... Keep your fingers crossed for me... All you guys are great for being so concerned about me ....
Where would I be without you guys?????