Guilty Pleasures
Okay, i'm with Shannon and Deb here. I've tried a bite, or maybe 2 of everything from Full of Sugar ice-cream, to 3 or 4 french fries. Aside from just a bite here or there, I can only think of 2 instances, that I REALLY REALLY cheated. I think i've got ya'll beat. Last weekend, the DH and I went to an amusement park. The morning of, I stopped by the Continental Breakfast bar from the hotel lobby in hopes of grabbing somthing low sugar to eat on the go. WRONG!! (He was excited like a 5 year old and in a hurry) There was nothing there, so what did I do? I opted for the WORST thing they had.............A Chocolate Covered Donut
thinking in my head, "I haven't had one in 7 months, and I will walk off those calories today." Well, I paid, oh dear Lord did I pay. 5 minutes after ingesting, we had to stop so I could pay homage to the porcelin God at McDonalds
. On a positive note, I learned. Big Cheat #2 about 2 months ago........ was 1/2 of a fish sandwich from McDonalds. (My favorite fast food item pre-op). I picked around the bread, and took it easy on the tarter sauce. I also soaked as much grease as possible from it before hand. Surprisingly, I did not dump. Now that I know I can handle it, i've not been back to McDonalds for another. Avoiding temptation. Otherwise, I feel I do well. I get in my protein, (most days) and keep a stock pile of fresh fruits, veggies, and SF treats for when I am feeling snacky.