Important question about periods!!!
Hi Brenda, I've been having all sorts of menstral problems. I went to the ER last Sunday (with very sharp ab pains) and the ER dr told me that I could be pre-menopause. I'm only 41 years old (soon to be 42). My periods have been coming sooner and sooner, sharp ab pains, and heavier flows, I was borderline anemic. I'm going to see a OBGYN on Wednesday to see what's up. I hope you find out what is going on with you.
I won't rely on the pill to get absorbed properly so I am using the Nuvaring and with the exception of my period taking FOREVER to kick in after removal.... and a longer/heavier period than when I was on the pill ---it is at least regular.
I have more cramping than I did in the past---don't know if that is an age thing or weight thing.
I just know that with all of the estrogen in our FAT being released into our body that things can get a bit wacky.
IF you aren't having normal cycles then I would be very concerned that you might not be "covered" by your birth control pill against pregnancy.
Surgeon probably can't help much-- I would see your OBGYN. That is their area of expertise.
I have PCOS......and major gynocological problems......I bled from Jan to June.....was not fun......I quit for like a month and half and it started back up agian, a week or so ago.....I have tried everything.....The shot...pills.....patches.....I am at my wits end!! My next appt we will probably be setting up a hysterectomy!!! I had my tubes tied 3 years I am paying for all this BC and it isn't helping me one bit.....I hope as I get farther out, things will stabalize........I will be hoping things get better for you too.....Just know you are not alone!!!
I have terribly weird periods now-
The first 2 days are barely even qualified as discharge- then it is a flood for 3 days- then normal for 2 days. I have terrible pain on my right side where my surgeon took my ovary and a cyst- but only on that first day.
I hope that this weirdness is only temporary= otherwise I want a hysterectomy when I get my PS.