Chaise Lounge Chair
Hi guys
I just came back from the store and had to post this. I always had trouble sitting in a chaise lounge chair to suntan in. I could hardly get in it
and found it impossible to get out of. When I tried I would topple over.
Well, every year I needed a new one and a good one at that to hold my weight. This is the season for outdoor chairs so there were very few left. They only had the cheap ones for the smaller framed people. I tried to sit in it...... got in
I tried to get out of it...worked
I tried to turn over on my stomach....worked well
What a difference being 92 lbs less .....SEE I GOT THE CHEAP CHAIR THIS YEAR...
Hello Lorraine,
I too bought the cheap chair this year! One of those ones that lays completely flat for tanning. I was surprised when I layed on it and nothing hung over the edges!
Only problem now I am bonier, so when I lay on my stomach, the rail holding it together underneath pokes me in the ribs. I have been just using the blanket on the ground method for tannning. Works better for me.
Enjoy your chair! Tracy