HAVE to share this
I had a whole long post made about this, and it somehow got deleted, lol. The bottom line is that I found the answer to my post op patient prayers. RELIV. More than all the nutrition I need, (protien too, WOOHOO) in a shake.........this stuff has changed my life. If you haven't heard about it, here is the link to the coperate site. I was mad that I hasn't heard about this stuff, so I am trying to make sure that other bariatric patients know about it.
I also have a personal site, that has how this stuff has helped me.
Heck yeah I do! I want a discount off something I know I will be using the rest of my life. I considered getting a job at GNC for a while, considering how much I spent there, lol. But because I care more that others know about this as well, that is why I listed the coperate site first, my site just has my personal story on there, and thats why I listed it as well. The bottom line, regardless if I sell it or not, this stuff is amazing for anyone, but a godsend for bariatric patients. Everyone else gets to chose if they want to take supplaments, we HAVE to. And, as I stated before, I was angry that none of the health care providers I went to for help when it came to vitamin alternatives, knew about this.