Q.O.D. 5/3 Part 1
My goal was to loose 10 lbs. in my 5th month......which will be 5-18-04. But, seeing how I've already lost 9, I'm revising that to 12. Yes, I'd love for it to be even more but I lost 12 lbs. in both month 3 and 4 so if I could just keep a steady 12 lb. loss for a few more months.....wow, I'd be happy. This month is going really well with exercise.....that is an ongoing goal....to exercise daily walking at least 2 miles but sometimes up to 6.
Also, I have a goal to have lost 90 lbs. by the time my stepson comes home from Iraq. We don't have a date yet, but should be about a month frrom now, maybe slightly longer.....so it is do-able.