Finally hit -50 and clothing sizes ugh! almost 4 months out (10 days shy) and FINALLY got to -50 lbs!!! Actually this morning I am 50.8 ....I hope I can lose a few more in the next 10 days to keep up my 10/11 lbs loss a month.
198.2 officially recorded in the Tanita!!!!!!
SOOO we have tix to the Billy Joel Movin Out show on Thursday night. It isn't opening night but I think we do need to dress up a bit. SO I tried on a bunch of dressy stuff last night.
I can wear my LITTLE BLACK DRESS that I bought 5 years ago from Lane Bryant and it still has the tag on it!! IT is a size 14. I can sit down it is but it is a tad bit tight and I bought it when I was around 188ish so 10 lbs should fit about right in the belly.
BUT I can't button my size 20 Lane Bryant jeans. WTF?!!! WHY is that?
I was able to zip up my size 16 straight skirt I bought 5 yrs ago and will probably wear it to graduation in Miami May 22nd.... All these cute dresses and not enough fancy places to go!
The dress I plan to wear Thursday night has HUGE arm holes now..thanks to my lack of BOOBS! Fortunately it has a shirt that goes over it and will help conceal the baggy look!
It felt sooo good to try on outfits I remember sooo well when I weighed less than 200 lbs!
My hubby commented that soon I would weigh less than him-- he is around 176 I think he said. I figure in 2-3 months I will! IF I keep up this 10 lbs a month pace.
SO I am about 7 months out from hitting goal if I can stay consistent!!!
THAT seems quite do-able!
I think I decided this morning that after my exams in May and all of my trips are finished I will join Curves on a month to month basis. IF I don't fail out of school in 2 weeks then I will only have class M and W nights so I will be able to go more times and make it worth the money. I was looking at the tone of my arms and thighs in the mirror over the weekend and this morning and KNOW that I need some WEIGHT TRAINING. I am not quite ready for real weights at a normal gym. BUT for my vacation in August I need some STRENGTH to climb that Cave and hike the volcano so walking ain't gonna cut it alone!
You go gurl,
I'm still waiting on gettnig under 200 and still waiting on getting -50 !!
I'm with you on the arms and thighs also. I do some toning exercises and can see the muscles (under the flab ) I can pull the skin up on my legs and see how a lower body lift would sure improve things. Don't know if it would justify the cost or the pain, though.
Lisa G
274/248/200 (still)/140
We gotta work on your 2 more pounds chant!
Hmmm what can we do to get you under.....
I don't feel like I am struggling to lose the weight. I "knock on wood" haven't had any serious complications other than constipation without pain...which is can all that stuff stay in and not cause cramping/pain???
ARE you taking measurements? I can see the #'s better that way than I do on the scale...and that darn thing didn't move for a good 5 + days. I was convinced I was going to hit my 2nd plateau.
I pull up the skin on my thighs funny. I have these like wrinkle looking things on the inside with mini folds...
I am not sure the PS is worth the pain or the complications. SEEMS sooo much more difficult than RNY any day. Not gonna worry about the $. Hubby hasn't made any comments when I grab my droopy boobies and tell the dog's that Mommy is gonna get new perky ones some day....
Maybe he doesn't think I am serious...but if it comes down to it and IT bothers me enough...I will get the work done AFTER kids. SO it would be quite a ways down the road.
I don't think I will ever see Size 8 Tommy Blue Jeans....I think I would need to weigh around 120 to fit into size 8's. I don't think I could ever maintain that size comfortably! I just have to learn to love my curves!
That is awesome Ruthanna!
Can you believe you only have 20 more lbs to go?! SOOO fast!