Q.O.D. 4/17
Candles - I love them but don't often remember to light them
Books - I am a bookaholic - I have so many I still need to read
Magazines - Only when I am in a doctor's waiting room
Bubble Baths No - I like my bath with no bubbles.
Listening to Music - All the time
Gardening - Haven't been able to do this for years, so we will see
Going to the Movies - Too crowded and noisy - give me a DVD anyday
Sunbathing - I have English skin and burn at the mention of sun
Camping - Not in Texas
In fact the thought of sleeping on the ground just doesn't appeal to me
Candles I love them.
Books- I have and read lots of them. I like the science fiction/fantasy
Magazines- no I don't bother with those often
Bubble baths- not often but i like them every now n then
Music- I like most kinds. except the nasty stuff. lol
Going to movies- no I prefer to watch them at home too
Sunbathing- no way
Camping- I'd love to havent done it in years though
Well, for once I'm going to be one of the early posters for the QOD instead of the last one! Here are my answers!
Candles- YES, have lots
Books- Yes, but only non-fiction
Magazines- Yes, ladies magazines and ones specific to my interests
Bubble Baths- No, I haven't taken a bath (only showers) in years and don't think that will change when I loose more weight.
Listening to Music- YES, contemporary Christian and some "oldies" from "my era," the 70's
Gardening- sorta, but I like it best when hubby does the gardening and I do the canning of the vegetables.
Going to the Movies- yes, but mainly the ones with sweet stories, nothing violent, scarey, etc.
Sunbathing- I was in the sun tanning ALL THE TIME when I was younger and regret it terribly now. My skin still looks OK but I have to wonder about the damage I did. Now I actually carry an umbrella with me to keep the sun off me!
Camping- No, no, no! To me it is WORK, and if I have a little free time, I frankly want to not have to cook, pack 1000 things to go on the trip and I want a shower and a comfy bed!! However, I don't mind an evening at the lake on a nice day (not too hot) with a campfire and some friends...but I want to go home at night!
Candles: yes they are all over my house
Books: yes....don't buy them but when I see something I wanna read we go to the library
Magazines: I am a junkie......I get tons and buy tons
Bubble Baths: Yes
Listening to Music: Yes
Gardening: Yes....but not mowing or weed wacking
Going to the Movies: I will for kid movies...but I get the movies I want when they come out on DVD
Sunbathing: I wish I could tan....but I just burn and peel!
Camping: I love to camp.....my whole family enjoys it!
Have a great weekend everyone
Candles Yes, but since building a new home I am afraid I will forget them & start a fire.
Books- I LOVE books however have little time to read. I do listen to books on tape while driving back& forthe to work.
Magazines- Yes, especially Scrapbooking magazines. I read them for ideas
Bubble Baths- Yes, but my knees make it really hard to get up & down so I have taken only two in the last 3 years. First time, I fell!
Listening to Music- I like Oldies (50-60's music) and anything by Clay Aiken. Usually music just makes me nervous.
Gardening- YECH And I also hate mowing, which I will be doing in about 10 minutes. I hate farming too! (I have been married for 33 years to a dairy farmer.)
Going to the Movies- No, would rather watch when it comes out on DVD. Too loud at the theatre.
Sunbathing- I don't tan! For some reason I neither get tan nor burn. After a summer of mowing my very large yard, if I move my watch Ican tell a small difference between the color of the skin under it & the part that was exposed to the sun.
Camping- ABSOLUTELY NOT! And fortunately for me, my husband can't see the sense in sleeping in a hot tent or camper in a small bed when he can sleep comfortably in our bed.
(down 96 LBS!)
Candles? Yes indeedy - the more the better. Especially scented ones.
Books? but of course! Avid reader. Just finished "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown. Definitely a page turner.
Magazines? Mailbox has one just about daily. Crafts, Golf, Nature themes
Bubble Baths? Nope - haven't fit in a tub in more years than I can remember. That may change here soon though!
Music? Most definitely - anything but Rap
Gardening - nope - apartment dweller here - I associate it with pulling weeds as a kid - Yuck'o
Movies - I'll watch just about anything - but prefer DVD's at home to the theater - $8.50 is rediculous!
Sunbathing - Nope - two color options for me - white with spots or red with spots (freckles)
Camping? - DEFINITELY NOT! bugs, dirt, no toilet... ewww!!!! I'll pass, thanks!
Candles - Yes, but I never remember to light them.
Books - Nope, unless it's on-line, or in a magazine I don't read. Never have and probably never will.
Magazine - See previous response. (I'm a magazine junky!) I'm into bridal magazines right now.
Bubble Baths - Love 'em!
Music - Listening to CMT right now.
Gardening - Hate it! I have a severe phobia of bugs, too many bugs in gardening.
Movies - I enjoy going to the movies, but not nearly as much as my FI does.
Sunbathing - Nope. 1) I'm too big to lay out (but this excuse is going away
) 2) I'm so fair, I burn too easily.
Camping - I love camping. I know I said I have a fear of bugs, but camping for some reason doesn't bother me. I think I've convinced myself that the fire/smoke keeps the bugs away.
Candles--yes but I never burn them b/c I remember how much I paid for them and hate to just "burn" my money!
Books--yes but when I get a good one I can't put it down and that is all I tend to do til it is done. AND I don't have that kind of time right now!
Magazines-- yeppers! all kinds...Entertainment Weekly, Time and my personal favorite-- National Geographic! plus now get Respiratory Therapy journals. boring....
Bubble Baths--have a jacuzzi tub and NEVER used it...I guess I would fit comfortably now but don't feel like cleaning it, plus would have to find a home for my orchid.
Listening to Music-- ALL kinds from Classical to Rap mostly everything but Country unless it is Shania Twain or Dixie Chicks. I don't like twangy stuff or blue grassy.
Gardening-- UGH H- E- double hockey sticks NO! I can't wait til we can sell our house and move into a townhouse with a small backyard that only takes 30 mins to mow and spray for weeds.
Going to the Movies-- yes but the expense keeps us away...now it is only for big movies like Lord of the Rings, Star Wars things that make a big difference on the big screen and great surround sound!
Sunbathing worshipped when I was younger and tanned very well...now I just tend to burn and peel and acquire new freckles!!
Camping-- don't mind for a weekend but can't take anything longer than a few days away from a clean sets of sheets and a REAL bathroom! and AC! NOT a bug person either!