Stricture? Obstruction? X-rays
Hello to all,
Well, what I thought was "gas" this am might be something else. The pain got very severe, then the nausea set in, then the vomiting. I called my doctor and they said go in for X-rays, so I did. I guess we'll see what they say tomorrow. They said on the phone it could be either an obstruction or a stricture, I don't think the stricture would show on an x-ray so I just bet I'll be seeing my doctor tomorrow. UGH! I've felt like poopie all day, have been affraid to eat or drink anything. I have had a few sips of tea, but thats it. Getting dry around here!
I'll update tomorrow. At least the severe part of the pain is gone! Tracy

Good Morning All,
Thanks for your nice comments! Still not exactly sure how I feel yet. I am drinking a glass of tea, which so far seems to be OK. I think I will wait to hear from the doctor before I try to eat anything. So far I definately feel better than yesterday, but there is still something that feels "different" so I am being cautious. I'll update later if I hear the results of the X-ray. That is one thing that drives me crazy...You get an x-ray and they wont tell you anything until after someone else reads it. Have a great day!
Good luck and I hope you feel better........Earlier out I had the same bad feelings.....I went to the local ER because my surgeon was over 2 hours away and they did x-rays and stuff.....everything looked fine......I called my surgeon back and he said x-rays will not show stricture or obstructions......that we now need CT-scans......but he said since I was still passing gas and not terribly swollen and that I could keep liquids down that I was probably constipated.......we told me to take MOM and Colace......Sure enough I was pretty backed up.....I had been going everyday but only little bits.....I hope it works out for you and you start to feel better.......Take Care

Hi Jesi,
I did the MOM thing yesterday when I started feeling bad. It worked several hours later, but only a little. I still keep thinking it's going to work some more! UH OH! I don't feel as bloated today, I could actually SEE my stomach yesterday, poking out more than it should. Today it seems normal again. All I can do is wait to see what the doctor says. The surgeon recommended the x-rays to see if it was an obstruction. I know they cant see a stricture with that, but I thought they could see an obstruction. I'll just drink my tea and try to get rehydrated until they call me. Thanks for posting! Tracy
Gee, Tracy, it seems you and I are on the same schedule!
I just spent the night in the hospital after 3 days of vomiting all solids.
Seems whatever I ate Saturday got STUCK but good, and my opening swelled shut, and then any attempt at eating after that resulted in, of course, more vomiting, which made thiings even worse, which ended me up back at JMC with an Upper GI series and a a night of observation. (Dr. V was just being cautious - I've had 3 endoscopies for stricture already.)
Everything's fine, they let me get away without another scoping, for which I am grateful. A few more days of "waterbrothandjello" and I'll be good as new!
Hope your news is as good, and you're feeling better!