F.O.D. Where is everyone today???
Ok so I was jealous of everyones little abbreviations and I want one and I agree that it is a great way for us to stay accountable AND get ideas..... so again.... what was your F. (food) O. (of the) D. (day)??? or day before or day after..... etc etc...
WARNING: Today was a BAAAAD day and don't use it for any ideas
Today I had:
Breakfast: small salad w/ some sun dried tomato turkey (new at my deli and SOOOO yummy) and a little shredded cheese with red wine vin. dressing. (I wake up late on weekends so this was more like brunch)
Snack: 5 ritz crackers (the devil
but I'll NEVER give them up!!!!
I swear they are like my own taste of heaven since surgery!!!!)
Lunch: about 2oz chili beans with some cheddar cheese
Snack: ****onfession time... ) Went to the movies and I had some popcorn (not too bad yet).... AND
like 15 reeses pieces!!!!!
(wait I'm not done yet) AAANNNNND like 5 gummi stars WITH SUGAR!!!!!
I'm being accountable so be NICE lol
dinner: was 5 buffalo wings NO ranch dressing and a bite of beans and sour cream from some nachos (we went karaoking)
Not the best day... but its okay its a weekend... and just so you all know my surgeon does not have a set amount of anything excep****er (nope not even protein... DONT SHOOT ME!) and so that is why I don't keep track of all of that.... We are just to eat protein first... then veggies.... then carbs (if we have room) and are not recommneded to supplement protein unless we are fatigued even when our iron and such is normal...
and I did do really good on my water (we went to two movies and for the second one I drank 40 oz just during that movie!!!!) which was Walking Tall with the Rock (dreamy eyes) but I WONT EVEN GO THERE!!!! *drools*
and the scale is amoving again WOOHOO I am at 280 WITH JEANS ON!!!! and I am now halfway to goal!!!!!! 

ok so that was F.O.D. and a little of everything else I did today (sorry)
360/280with jeans teehee/200

Yesterday was a crazy day for me also. Getting ready for a big birthday party here took me all day. I even forgot to take my vitamins until 5:00!
B: 1/2 protein bar - 15 g
L: 16 oz. protein drink - 46 g (after hurling an attempt at chicken)
D: 1 1/2 deviled eggs, 1 bite hot dog, 2 slices deli roast beef ) PARTY
food! Keeping busy at being hostess, (and still not feeling well since
losing my lunch) kept me from grazing the table. I DID have one tiny
taste of the cake - not nearly interesting enough to dump for.
E: skipped my walk. No time, and feeling ill!
Barely got my fluids in, and missed 1/3 of my vitamins, but pretty good for a really hairy day, I guess!
Hey Shawna, we all have our "days"! Yours could have been a lot worse, right? That's a good amount of restraint for 2 movies!!

Hello Shawna,
Yaaaaaaawn...Sleeping in today! hee hee Weekends are always bad for me too. The hubby usually buys take out so I slurge and unfortunately the carbs suffer for it. I didn't eat much, I usually skip meals on weekends too.
Dinner...about 3/4 of a McGrill chicken sandwich (I was hungry) lol
Snacks...(stayed up until about 3 am) beef jerky and for the first time since surgery...Pistachios! Mmmmmmm Calories stayed under 600 but the fat and carbs went over my goal. ooops! But hey I lost more weight when I go up this....um afternoon. So, must be doing something right!

Well, today is Sunday and we always eat out after church. We tried a new seafood place in town and I got an appetizer which was made of Pork, salami and mozzarella all rolled up and sauteed in olive oil and garlic. They were about the size of big meatballs and I ate 2 of them. Man, were they good! Very garlicky, nobody will be talking to me for the day!!
I like the FOD idea. If we make it where we have to fess up to the worst thing we ate, it may keep us accountable.
Lisa G
Today I had:
Breakfast: 2 low-fat cinnamon buns (my Sunday treat)
Went to the movies after church and had
Snack: 2 cups of popcorn, yummmm (another Sunday treat)
Lunch: 1/2 Subway Chicken and Bacon Wrap and 1/2 a bag of Baked Lays
Took a nap
Went to evening church service
Dinner: 1/2 Subway Chicken and Bacon Wrap and 1/2 a bag of Baked Lays
Snack: Smart Ones ice cream thingeeee...
Sundays are family day we go to church and the movies and just kind of hang out, it's my day of rest from exercise and worrying about food and such....
Don't know how many calories because I really don't count them. I do know that I have started losing again, THANK GOD!! Now down 66 pounds.