Low Carb Tortillas
somebody asked about the Low Carb tortillas I eat with my boca chili
I had to go home and look
They are CARBSENSE brand
and I get the plain ones but they have cheese and habenero flavors also..they might have a fourth
shows a list of Carbsense products
I get most of my specialty items at the TLC store.
BUT fortunately Walmart started carrying my Carborite candy bars...mmmm good!
I also love the GeniSoy Soy Crisps in Zesty BBQ which I got at Vitamin World for 3 bucks
I don't worry about the carb counts but they have more protein than normal chips etc...and soy is good for you!
AND since I only eat about 6-8 at most IF that....there is NO guilt!
Anyone else have any low carb snacks they have been pleasantly surprise with?
I have tried some regular tortillas (like the kind to make fajita's/quesadilla) but have been very disappointed. I did find a significantly better alternative...at the TLC store it is called Lavsa or something like that...this GREEK tortilla looking bread.
I wonder if GNC or a local health food store would carry these?! Hmmmmm...I might go hunt for them, just for an occasional treat. If I NEED crunch, I usually go for pork rinds. They have a decent source of protein, low in fat and the carbs are low too. Just about anything will go on them if you like dip. I used to substitute them for crackers when I had chicken salad for lunch.
I think I am turning into a Carb-Nazi! The damn things scare me! lol