Q.O.D. 4/02
Happy Friday everyone. I am feeling a little energetic this morning ( key word "little") So I thought today's question should be about doing "stuff"
Have you ever been:
Ski Diving
Cliff Diving
Bungee Jumping
Scuba Diving
On Water Skis
On snow Skis
Mountain Climbing
Horseback Riding
To a nude beach (thought I would throw this one in to see if you were paying attention)
On a motorcycle
In an ambulance
What else have you done that is physically exhilarating that I didn't list?
Also what is one thing you would like to do soon

Good morning Jackie,
I have been waiting for this!
Have you ever been:
Ski Diving NOPE
Cliff Diving NOPE
Bungee Jumping NOPE
Scuba Diving Yes
Snorkeling Yes
On Water Skis Not yet, this summer
On snow Skis No, Florida has no snow :o(
Mountain Climbing No, Florida has no Mountains :o(
Horseback Riding Yup
To a nude beach (thought I would throw this one in to see if you were paying attention) HELL NO, Well, I guess I could...If I went to a beach naked, I'd soon have it all to myself!
Parasailing Nope
On a motorcycle Yup
In an ambulance Nope
What else have you done that is physically exhilarating that I didn't list?
Also what is one thing you would like to do soon. Tubing, behind my husbands boat! It's a blast!
Have a great day!

Sky Diving: NOPE
Cliff Diving: NOPE
Bungee Jumping:NOPE
Scuba Diving: NOPE
Snorkeling YEAHHHHH I have one that I have done
On Water Skis: NOPE
On snow Skis: NOPE
Mountain Climbing: NOPE
Horseback Riding: Not since I was 10
To a nude beach (thought I would throw this one in to see if you were paying attention)
Parasailing: NOPE
On a motorcycle: ONCE
In an ambulance: All the time. Used to ride with a 911 service..now that was exciting
Well, the good news is I have a lot of things to look forward to

Hahahah it was on St. Maarten at Orient Beach. My husband and I swam way out to a floating raft where the only people that could see us were ones with binoculars,(not allowed) so we stripped off to sunbathe. Imagine my surprise when a guy (totally nude) suddenly popped up out of the water and jumped up onto the raft. I didn't know where to put my eyes
and I am a nurse so I am not easily shocked by nudity. I quickly got in the water and put my suit back on (not an easy task) Anyway, now I can say, I have done that and strike it off my to do list
Funny thing is when we signed up for that trip off the cruise we didn't realize what we were signing up for
But we had a good laugh

Ski Diving- Nope
Cliff Diving- Nope
Bungee Jumping- not a chance- don't you watch Real TV?
Scuba Diving- no, but I'd like to
Snorkeling- see previous
On Water Skis- yup- many years ago though
On snow Skis- see previous
Mountain Climbing- nah
Horseback Riding- yup
To a nude beach (thought I would throw this one in to see if you were paying attention)--- not a chance (well maybe just to look , but I'd certainly be wearing something) ta hee
Parasailing- no
On a motorcycle- yeah
In an ambulance- no- Amen
What else have you done that is physically exhilarating that I didn't list? Does riding an insane roller coaster count ? If so chalk me up for that one..
What I'd like to do?-- a wild white water rafting adventure !
Have a great day

Have you ever been:
Sky Diving- now why would anybody jump out of a perfectly good airplane??
Cliff Diving - No, but I did "jump" off a cliff into the water one time.
Bungee Jumping - No. I was always afraid the rubber band would "snap"
Scuba Diving - Yes.. I am a certified PADI Dive Master and I have over 500 logged dives. I dive primarily in the Florida Keys, Bahamas, Cozumel, Turks and Caicos Islands.
Snorkeling - Yes.. it kinda goes hand in hand with Scuba
On Water Skis - Yes, a very long time ago.
On Snow Skis - Yes, in Gatlinburg, TN ..went to ski school, rode the lift to the top, tried to ski down, but mostly I "fell down" .. When I got to the bottom of the mountain, I took my ski's back to the rental shed, went into the bar and got a Hot Tody and never have been back on skis again.
Mountain Climbing - When I was in college, I took a class on Rock Climbing.. It was fun.
Horseback Riding - Not in a very long time.
To a nude beach (thought I would throw this one in to see if you were paying attention)
Parasailing- NOPE
On a motorcycle - Yep!!! I had a 1995 Honda Magna
In an ambulance - Nope, but I see them everyday at work.
What else have you done that is physically exhilarating that I didn't list? - ?????
Also what is one thing you would like to do soon - I want to get my PADI Instructor rating.

Ski Diving-No
Cliff Diving-No
Bungee Jumping-No
Scuba Diving-No
On Water Skis-YEs
On snow Skis-Yes
Mountain Climbing-Yes....not any real big ones
Horseback Riding-Yes
To a nude beach (thought I would throw this one in to see if you were paying attention)No
On a motorcycle-Yes
In an ambulance-Yes
I have jumped off a lot of bridges into lakes and rivers......I was much younger and not very smart...lol