STUCK and frustrated!!!
Ok - I know I will here how this is normal, etc, but I can get past the 60lbs mark!!!
I had my surgery on 12/29/03 starting at 295 and have been stuck at 235 for almost 2 weeks now. What am I doing worng. I dont feel like I eat a whole lot, what could it be that would slow up the loss. I know this isn't "it" but I am starting to get very discouraged about this. I caught myself grazing the otherday... on sunflowerseeds and chex mix.
could too much fat be the problem (what is too much), could it be too little protein. I drink lots of liquids but not all of it is water - I drink crystal light and diet cranberry juice. I definately watch the sugars. Help me make some sense of this
...the sad thing is everyone tells me how great I look and that I look like the incredible shrinking woman but I dont feel that way at all...I know you will all say that 60lbs in 3 months is good, but I need to be encouraged that this is not it!!!
Maybe I need to get back on the prozac
Thanks - Jan
Lap RNY - 12/29/03 - 295 / 235 - (goal 165)

I sure know how you feel!! I have lost only 1 lb in the last 3 weeks. I also had started to "graze".. so I went back over my information from my surgeon and I am trying really hard to stick to the 2-3 meals a day, with no snacking in between. Also, I have not really been very good about exercising, so I am definately going to exercise everyday.
Keep your chin up!! We can do it!!!
Lap RNY 12-08-04 280/213/175

Yes, it seems that most of us have already experienced our first "stall", (I'm told a plateau is 4 weeks or more) and had our hissy fits about it! You are right on track!
Mine was a few weeks ago, for nearly a month. I was livid. But, despite the discouragement, that scale DOES start moving again, so you'll relax more if you accept it as part of the process.
As long as you're active, drinking your fluids, keeping the carbs down, and doing everything you're supposed to, the scale CAN'T NOT move eventually.
From what I've observed on this group page, this has happened to nearly ALL of us women in the second or third month. You've lost 60 pounds, same as me. That seems to be the average for the group, so YOU'RE DOING FINE! Stalling's no fun, but it's not forever, and I've been going down pretty steadily since then.
Hope this makes you feel better!

Hi Jan, I had my surgery almost a month before you since I was 12/1/03. I've lost 63 pounds. So you being at 60 is absolutely fabulous
. I think we get in our head that we are just going to keep losing and losing and losing because we're not eating much. However, we have to give our bodies time to catch up and readjust. Up your protein (it promotes weight loss) and exercise and watch the carbs. My dietician gave me a formula to go by for fat, you take the Saturated Fat and allow 1 gram per 100 calories for each serving. If it has more than that then you don't need to be eating it. Have a great day!! Hang in there!
Open RNY
12/1/03 - 311
3/31/04 - 248

Here are my dieticians recommendations:
Calories=500-750 per day
Fat= 20-30 grams per day
Protein=50-70 grams per day
Carbs=30-50 grams per day
Fluid= 64+ ounces per day
If you aren't already, get a free account and log in everything you eat. You might find your problem there!

Jan we have the same date and I am only down 43.4 are doing great.
Start taking measurements! It makes me feel good to know I am down 31+ inches...
I didn't lose weight for 3 weeks in February but then the beginning and most of March I had good steady weight loss again.
OF course I just switched Birth Control so who knows what effect that might have.
249/205.6/size 10 135-140 ish hopefully