How much protein were you advised to eat?
At my pre-surgical consult, my surgeon weighed me and advised me to eat 65 grams of protein a day, according to my (then) body weight/ideal weight (309/120). Today, I was reviewing some WLS material, and from what I read, I saw that it should be a higher amount. Now I'm confused, so I'll ask all of you - how much protein per day did your physicians/surgeons advise you to eat?
And who has found a chewable or geltab or powder-mix calcium citrate supplement you can recommend?
Thanks, guys!
My dietician recommended 50-70 grams of protein per day. However knowing what we know about ourselves now, we do not absorb things the way a normal person does and no one can predict how much each individual will absorb. So, going above your recommended protein is never a bad idea. Go by how you feel. If you are taking all of your vits(including iron), getting in your water and still do not have a lot of energy, you are probably lacking in protein. Log on to and log in everything you eat. As the days pass and you see what days you feel good and others you do not, you can judge better how much protein is right for you. I think 65 is about right for me. If you exercise or get a lot of activity, it is always a good idea to up your protein also.
Hope this helps,
Thanks, Tracy and to everyone *****plied.
I guess I misunderstood what I was reading. I'm good with the 65 grams; I find it pretty easy to achieve on any given day, and I seem to have plenty of energy, so I won't worry about it!
Thanks for recommending FitDay. I signed up last week. Pretty cool, once you figure out how to use it.
Will have to hunt around for those chewable calcium tabs. My surgeon expects me to pound three huge capsules into dust, mix it into some water and drink it every day. I am FAR too lazy for that. Besides, I'm already taking upwards of a dozen supplement horse pills as it is.
Thanks again. You guys are great!

I get my calcium citrate from They come in mint or chocolate. I haven't found a comparable one off the shelf at any stores yet. They're around $9 a bottle.
Lisa G