Q.O.D. 3/30
I am a Training Assistant with the local University for the past 14 years. The last 4 years I have spent in a Grant Funded job training police officers across the state of Kentucky and really like it. I have worked since I was the age of 16, I have a daughter who is 22 and going to school part time and a son who is a freshman in high school. No more babies in my house
but I am not hoping for grandchildren anytime soon. I have been truly blessed because my husband retired (disability)shortly after we moved here and he has been home with the kids. It hasn't always been a bed of roses but when we moved here we had said one of us would stay home with the kids and I am thrilled that we were able to do that. God Bless...

I have a bachelors in Communications and Public Relations. Before I had my children I worked for UPS for 8 years in various different departments. My favorite department was working at the Airport. I did all the inbound and out boud load data for the air craft. I have been a stay at home mom for the last 7 years until recently!
I completed my real estate courses last year 2003. Then passed my state board test to be a realtor. I started working as a real estate agent on the first of March. I am really enjoying this new career and new body to go along with it. I like this career because I can work it around my family's schedule.
My oldest son, Logan is 6 and in 1st grade. My youngest son, Sawyer is 4 and he goes to pre-school 3 times a week. While the boy's are in school I do the work I can't do at home on the road or in the office.
I think I am really enjoying this new career because I feel so good about myself these days. I have confidence in myself once again and don't feel like the weight is a factor anymore. (still need to lose more)
Karie -64lbs!
I saw this question on the main board and it is great for this one too.
My educational background is in Family Life Education and Human Development from Kansas State U. I also have a master's from there in Adult Education and I am doing what I am trained to do....and I LOVE IT!
I am a stay-home mom most of the time, but I also own a Training and Consulting business.....I go out and do training on topics like Team Building, Loss and Grief, Critical THinking, Conflict Management and several others. Most of the time my audiences are nurses and other health care professionals. I contract with colleges, universities, hospitals,etc. to do the training and the participants usually get continuing education credit for attending. I do this 6-8 times a month and LOVE being a professional those days and being home the rest of the time with my very active 11 and 13 yr. old boys.
In the past I worked as an Education Coordinator at a hospital, a substance abuse counselor, and the Staff Development Director at a Correctional Facility for Juveniles. Now I also substitute teach in our local elementary school a few days a month....which works great with my kids' schedules. To be honest, I have the life I dreamed of......and that is becoming even more so as the pounds come off!
I am a stay-home mom of two boys, 5 and 8. I can't wait until September when they are both in school all day!!
I would love to work at an equestrian stable exercising horses, riding, grooming, cleaning tack, (I guess that would include mucking out stalls
) I've always loved horses, and never got a chance to ride much when I first moved to Texas with all the horses here, then got too fat to ride them.
Lisa G