Q.O.D. 3/30

on 3/29/04 9:02 pm - Cypress, TX
wow, I can't believe March is almost over Before we know it it will be swimming weather Today's question is: Where do you work? Is it part time or full time? Do you enjoy it? Is it what you are trained to do? Tell us about your career dreams . What is the job you have held that you enjoyed the most If you are a stay at home mom that IS a career too Don't sell yourself short If you do stay at home how old are your children? Have a great day, Jackie -62
on 3/29/04 9:09 pm - Cypress, TX
I am a mom I have my nursing degree but 6 years ago decided I needed to stay home and take care of my family I have three teenagers 18,16,14 My oldest heads to college this fall I plan on returning to work part time in September when my youngest goes to high school (boy, do I feel old) While my children are in school I find plenty to keep me busy For several years I have been pretty disabled due to my weight so now I am looking forward to being able to be useful again. I used to ride ambulance for a 911 service and that was the most interesting thing I have ever done. Jackie
Tracy T.
on 3/29/04 9:28 pm - FL
Good morning Jackie, I'm a stay at home mom. I did the "career" thing before my daughter was born 11 years ago, but decided that the THINGS that I could buy with the extra money are less important to me than my kids are, so I stay at home. My son just turned 20 last week and my daughter is 11 (going on 30). I always thought that when my son was older I would go back to work, then I thought do I really wanna leave a teenager home alone??? Didn't want to risk that! But now he is such a good boy! I really do think me being home made the difference! My daughter just thinks that if I got a job I would be deserting her, she thinks it would be the worst thing ever!!! I have made my extra money for the past 3 years doing eBay. So, I DO work, two jobs, some might say. Ebay is very part time though. I used to do a LOT more now I do it when I feel like it. I am also supposed to be cartooning for obesity help magazine. If I ever get the new issue I'll find out if I was published this month as I expected to be! (for the first time) Have a great day! Tracy
on 3/30/04 5:51 am - Houston, TX
Tracy, I am an Ebay junkie!! I just bought a fridge off ebay and saved $600 off the Sears regular price!! I was kinda scared buying such a huge item online, but it was from the Sears outlet, so I felt pretty safe with the purchase. What do you sell??? Lisa G
(deactivated member)
on 3/29/04 9:56 pm
I am also a stay at home mom......I have twin daughters who will be 5 in June......And my baby will be three in August, she is a hand full! I had three babies in two years!!! I also do day care 3 days a week, but not for long......this is my girls last summer before starting Kindergarten and I want them to really enjoy it, so I will be quitting daycare! I have always worked in some kind of health field as a CNA......I went for my nursing degree and found out I was pregnant with twins......I do want to get back into the work force when my youngest goes to school.....I am NOT stay at home material.....I am doing it now for the kids sake....but when they go to school...I am off too!!!! But I am scared to go back to college at 28(I am 25 now)......I don't want to be so old.....I tryed doing just night classes last year, but it was TOO hard with the family and housework! Well there is my life story in a nut-shell.....lol!!! I still have time to decided what I will do....who knows.....hubby wants me to stay home forever......we will see!! Take Care Jesi
on 3/29/04 10:50 pm - Hickory, NC
Well I aspire to be a stay at home mom when we have kids in 2 yrs BUT cannot afford that AND all the shopping/travelling we like to do! SO I am switching careers to have more flexibility but still bring in some $$. I work full time as a Software Tester/Quality Assurance for FedEx Ground and have been doing that for over 6 yrs now (not Fed Ex but Testing). Used to do the consulting thing and switched companies every 6 months or so! I enjoyed the variety. I don't get that here. Always wanted to be DR but couldn't imagine getting thru Med School and not starting my real life until 30 (when you are 13 that is OLD you know!) SO I got a practical business degree. Worked as admin assistants, data entry type jobs with my 4 yr degree for $10/hr. THEN I lucked up one day and met this Recruiter working with a Computer Consulting company and was staffing a Y2K project. About 6 months later--I had switched careers and UPPED my income tremendously. SO then I just stuck with it for the $$$. I was single and needed all I could get and you know how expensive it is to shop at Lane Bryant and August Max for decent looking/in style clothes. Now that I am married I have the opportunity to go back to school and get into the field I have always LIKED! MEDICAL.... heard a story on NPR last Xmas about Respiratory Therapy...didn't even know it was job. I never wanted to be a nurse--some things I just can't do for other people. I can deal with the UPPER half of the body--no problemo! SO convinced my hubby that this was a good thing....b/c IF I work full time and pay for full time daycare with 2 kids we will only bring home 1/2 my salary after the costs. THEN we get to spend no time with our kids (ok I wouldn't) except limited evenings and weekends. That isn't the point in being a mother to me. I want to be the one that teaches my kids and is there for all of the little FIRSTS not some daycare worker who lets snot dry on my kid's face and doesn't change their diapers enough. SO I will get the flexibility I desire, limited or no daycare (I can work nights/weekends while HUBBY is home) and I only need to work ~3 days a week (add 1 shift every other week) so I have more time to enjoy my kids. AND still bring home 1/2 my current pay BUT I get the gift of TIME! AND eventually with a few years experience my pay won't be that different than it is now. I can work anywhere we move whereas now the chances of both of finding work in the same town is IFFY in the IT field.
Peggy G.
on 3/29/04 10:58 pm - Co
I am a Financial Controller for a company that does land development, construction and property management. I love it, every day is a new challenge. I have been in this type of work for many years, before that I worked in CPA firms, which I hated. I have always worked, I raised two great kids, now 24 and 23, both are in college, one is married, and I have a beautiful 6 month old grand-daughter.
on 3/29/04 11:11 pm - Oakwood, GA
I work for the hospital that I had my surgery at. I have been employed here since 1992. I am the supervisor of Central Scheduling and Precertification. Prior to this position, I was the supervisor of Emergency Room Registration. I love my job!!! Prior to working here, I was the office manager at an OB/GYN office. My college background is business, and I have always been on the business side of the medical field.
on 3/29/04 11:28 pm - Tripoli, IA
I work as a computer systems operator for a large insurance company. If you have any insurance through a credit union, it probably came from us. I am also a dairy farmer's wife & help in the barn mornings. I stayed home to be with my kids until the baby (26 & getting married in 4 days!) was a senior in HS. I worked in a factory making transformers for computer boards but that company closed & I went back to school at 48 years old so it is never to late to go to school! I worked as a help desk technician & that company closed also. However, the next day I was offered my current job. The pay is great & the company is also. I love my hours- 4:30PM to midnight. I have no trouble being tempted to snack working those hours. Now, as much as I love my job, I would give it up in a minute if we were wealthy & I didn't have to provide the health insurance (it would cost us over $12,000 if we had to get it on our own). I would much rather be scrapbooking! Dixie
on 3/30/04 12:19 am - Richland, WA
Good Morning All I am a stay-at-home Mom. We are a blended family raising my 16 year old daughter, his 11 year old son and our 3 year old daughter and almost 2 year old son. Before having my last two children I worked as a branch supervisor for a Credit Union. While Katey was little I had to work to support us, so when the next two came along, I was determined to stay home with them. I am so blessed to have a wonderful husband who agrees that home is the best place for me till the children are in school. I have always dreamed of becoming a Nurse, but "fell into" a banking job my senior year of high school. Got married, had a baby, divorced and stayed in banking for the $$ rather than finish my degree. When my little ones are off to school I may go back myself to finish that Nursing degree I have always dreamed of. ~Kimberly
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