What is your motivation?
In conversation I told a friend that I had lost some weight but still had more to go. His reply was," have you gone out and bought a small bathing suit to get into for the summer."
What an idea! I was at Costco a week or so ago and they had these really cute tankini's for $21.00. I bought a size 10. I am currently in a 14. I can get the 10 on now but lets say it is not that attractive. I really wanted to buy the 8 but felt that was pretty gutsy.
Have you done anything similar???
I started buying "skinny clothes" as soon as I got approved. I have in my room a SKinny Drawer. I have gotten into many things that I could not before and still have plenty that I WANT to get into! That day WILL come! I'm waiting for the new swimsuit until summer...I have an old 18 that I can wear now (far cry from the 28 last year) so I will wear that one until I can get into a smaller size. I was thinking TANKINI too!

I am meeting the rest of my family in Myrtle Beach, SC in June. I haven't bought anything because I am waiting until it gets closer but I have to say that the upcoming trip is a BIG motivation for me. My family (mom, brother, sister and nieces and nephews) haven't seen me since Christmas. I want to be able to knock their socks off!!
I live in Colorado, most of my family and friends live in Idaho, moved here a couple of years back for my job. Anyway, at the end of July every year I volunteer for a rodeo in Idaho...(love those cowboys!). No one there (except my son) knows I had the surgery done. I would love to show up at the rodeo wearing some tight fitting kick a$$ wrangler jeans and actually look good!
My motivation was provided by my youngest son last summer. He got engaged & my first thought was that by April 3 I will look good! Unfortunatley, my surgery date was postponed 3 months due to an additional surgey I needed first. Instead of 7 months to get ready, I had 3 1/2. However, instead of wearing a 4X dress I will be wearing a XL dress & it is beautiful. I have a very long way to go & wish I had the extra time I had originally thought I would have but I'm just hoping the bride isn't upset that I am also getting attention. This will be the first time many of these people have seen the new me.
I'm going to be a MIL and eventually a skinny one at that!
I have sooo many smaller sized clothing in my closet...down to 14's. and since I have HUGE wide hips my pant size is ONLY down by 1.. from 22/24 to 18/20's
so I haven't really been motivated to buy anything. Plus with the way I am shaped and being so short and short waisted I have to try everything ON. I can't assume that something will fit just b/c I lose weight.
I hate to waste $ on clothing. I did pick up some 14/16 khaki pants on sale at Fashion Bug last week for $13 so I have some work pants in a few months. But they are similar in style to the other ones I have gotten from there and they consistently fit Ok. I think they look too bulky but they are affordable and I can wear to work for the time being.
I will be interested to see how I fit into the new style of low rider jeans when I get below a 14 (assuming I don't have tons of lose skin/fat rolls hanging out over the top) They weren't in style when I was that size.
A few years ago... I had this pair of navy shorts that were a size 16 and they were a little bit tight. I loved them and would wear them around the house wishing that they weren't so tight. Well I have those shorts on right now and they aren't tight at all!! I have to go find me a new motivational piece of clothing!!