WEIGH IN-WEIGHT LOSS CHECK- Everyone Participate
Name: Blazon
Pre-op Weight:292
Pre-op weight loss: none?
Date of surgery: 12-19-03
Weight now: 220
Total Post-op loss: 72 pounds
Height: 5' 8"
Goal Weight: 140 pounds *my doctors goal weight for me*
Date you want to be at Goal weight: 12-04
Are you a slow or fast loser? average I guess
De you expect to have to get Plastic Surgery? yes, about everything
What are you most looking forward to wearing when you are at goal? a shirt tucked into jeans without worring about how big my butt looks
Name: Donna
Pre-op weight: 309
Pre-op weight loss: HA HA HA HA!!
Date of surgery: 12/31/03 (YES! I'm a New Year's Eve "Baby"!)
Weight now: 251?
Total post-op loss so far: 58 pounds
Height: 5'3"
Goal Weight: 120 pounds
Goal Date: 12/20/04
Medium/Slow loser
I expect to need: Breasts, arms, panni, thighs and some face work, God help me!
Looking forward to REALLY surprising my sweet, concerned mother-in-law when we go to Tennessee next Christmas!
I'll add my pre-op photo whenever I can get my significantly more computer-literate husband to do it for me!
Name: Jean
Pre-op Weight: 330lbs.
Pre-op weight loss: Don't know...I wasn't counting..I was too miserable..
Date of surgery: 12-22-03
Weight now: 272lbs
Total Post-op loss: 58lbs.
Height: 5'4''
Goal Weight: 150lbs.
Date you want
to be at Goal weight: Soon???
Are you a slow or fast loser? S L O W E R THAN FROZEN FROG SNOT
De you expect to have to get Plastic Surgery? Nah, If I get down to my goal weight, I will be just happy to be there. Who cares if I have loose skin.
What are you most looking forward
to wearing when you are at goal? Promise you won't laugh?? I want a pair of black knee high leather boots.
I could never fit my calves into them now.

Name: Ana
Pre-op Weight:358
Pre-op weight loss: None
Date of surgery: 12-1-03
Weight now: 283
Total Post-op loss: 75 pounds
Height: 5' 6"
Goal Weight: 180 pounds
Date you want to be at Goal weight: 3-1-05
Are you a slow or fast loser? DUNNO - MEDIUM?
De you expect to have to get Plastic Surgery? Hope not!! I have bat wings, though, so maybe!
What are you most looking forward to wearing when you are at goal? jeans and a tight sleeveless shirt with some funky high heeled boots!
Good morning all you Decemberites,
this is my first time to reply to all of your posts that I have been reading for about a month now. I need to learn how to post a picture and then I will do so of myself.
Name: Stacey Pelto Mahbubani(My name will go back to Pelto as my husband asked for a divorce the day I got back from my surgery, NICE ha)
Pre-op weight-237
Date of surgery- 12-03-03
Weight now- 184
Total weight loss post op-53 lbs.
Height- 5'2
Goal weight- 130ish
Would like to be at goal by 12-01-04
I am a SLOW loser
I hope not to have plastic surgery but I think I will need it on my tummy and would love to have my boobs lifted. All depends if I have insurance
I have to get to a dentist appointment. I am noticing that I am smiling more and don't like grey in my teeth from my fillings so I am having some of them replaced with white fillings.

Good morning Tracy,
I have to say that I am oh so proud of myself that I didn't turn to food after this whole ordeal with him. I am losing slowly(did your surgeon tell you that it might take you a bit longer to lose the weight because of your height?, mine did).
I wasn't even married for a year( but I haven't filed yet.) I need him to keep me on his insurance until I find a job with my own. I have had a really rough year(married, lost three jobs, divorce)but thank GOD for my surgery and I guess to my husband for the insurance that gave me the surgery. He likes to say that HE gave me the operation, whatever..........
I am so much better off without him anyway, he is very verbally abusive and he has LOTS of problems and he did find a new girl about 7 months into our marriage. She is just as phsycho as he is..........oooghghghhghgh
WEll, I have to get my butt moving. I am going on vacation to Laughlin Nevada next week and have to get into a swimsuit..eeekkkss. I sure feel etter in one than last year though. I bought my first 14 shorts in probably 10 years but have to lose about 5 pounds or they aren't going to fit me comfortably. So i have to get on the treadmill and go to curves today.
have a good day.
I would love help in getting a picture on here. I don't even know how to use my scanner.........but i did just buy a digital camera
Name: Staci
Pre-Op Weight: 297 lbs
Pre-Op Weight Loss: 8 lbs
Date of Surgery: 12-15-03
Right now: 217 lbs
Total Post Op Loss: 80 lbs
Height: 5'6"
Goal Weight: 150 lbs
Date Want To Be At Goal: Dec. 15, 2004
Fast Or Slow Loser: I think it is slow but I really don't know....on a plateau
Hopefully no plastic surgery since I'm only 20.
Name: Christy
Pre-op Weight: 275 (came home from hospital weighing 286)
Pre-op weight loss: about 60 pounds, my top weight was 336
Date of surgery: 12-09-03
Weight now: 216
Total Post-op loss: 70 lbs
Height: 5'3
Goal Weight: 140
Date you want
to be at Goal weight: 12-9-04, but want to be under 175 by August
Are you a slow or fast loser? average
De you expect to have to get Plastic Surgery? I hope NOT, but I probably will need it
What are you most looking forward
to wearing when you are at goal? a really nice formal dress/gown