WEIGH IN-WEIGHT LOSS CHECK- Everyone Participate
Hello Everyone,
I noticed that some of us do not divulge thier weight, height sometimes even names! Plus, we have a lot of new members of the "Decemberites Club". Let's all get to know eachother and give up some info!
I'll start...
Name: Tracy
Pre-op Weight:251
Pre-op weight loss: 10 pounds (was 261 at one point)
Date of surgery: 12-12-03
Weight now: 194
Total Post-op loss: 57 pounds
Height: 4' 11"
Goal Weight: 115 pounds
Date you want
to be at Goal weight: 12-12-04
Are you a slow or fast loser? S L O W
De you expect to have to get Plastic Surgery? OH yes, You name it, I need it!
What are you most looking forward
to wearing when you are at goal? REALLY High Heels and a short skirt

Name: Jackie
Pre-op Weight:340
Pre-op weight loss: 9 pounds (was 349 at one point)
Date of surgery: 12-08-03
Weight now: 278.5
Total Post-op loss: 61.5 pounds
Height: 5'1"
Goal Weight: 140ish
Date you want
to be at Goal weight: haven't set a date
Are you a slow or fast loser? can you say TURTLE
Do you expect to have to get Plastic Surgery? I hope to
What are you most looking forward
to wearing when you are at goal? Fitted clothes and boots

Great idea
Name: Jill
Pre-op Weight: 311
Date of surgery: 12-1-03
Weight now: 249
Total Post-op loss: 62 pounds
Height: 5' 7"
Goal Weight: 170 pounds
Date you want to be at Goal weight: 12-1-04
Are you a slow or fast loser? S L O W
Do you expect to have to get Plastic Surgery? I hope not but leaving my options open...
What are you most looking forward to wearing when you are at goal?
Clothes that I like and I didn't buy them because that was all that fit!!

Name: Laura
Pre-op Weight:280
Pre-op weight loss: 0 pounds
Date of surgery: 12-08-03
Weight now: 213
Total Post-op loss: 67 pounds
Height: 5' 10"
Goal Weight: 175 pounds
Date you want
to be at Goal weight: 12-08-04
Are you a slow or fast loser? It was FAST at first, now it is SLOW....
Do you expect to have to get Plastic Surgery? I really am trying hard not to have to have it. I don't want to have it if at all possible.. so I keep walking and walking..
What are you most looking forward
to wearing when you are at goal? Bathing suit without a T-shirt over it.
I email picture in last week. I am waiting for them to post it so I can add to my post.
Bye for now

Name: Shannon
Pre-op Weight:249 surgeon official starting weight
Pre-op weight loss: 15 pounds (got up to about 265)
Date of surgery: 12-29-03
Weight now: 206
Total Post-op loss: 43 lbs
Height: 5' 3.5"
Goal Weight: 135-150 pounds (want normal clothing size so weight doesn't exactly matter)
Date you want
to be at Goal weight: Dec 2004
Are you a slow or fast loser? S L O W E R than snails
Do you expect to have to get Plastic Surgery? boobs, thighs, possibly arms and belly.
What are you most looking forward to wearing when you are at goal?
shorts that don't ride up into my crotch when I walk or a skirt and my thighs won't rub together sooo bad that I get a chafing rash
Pre-op weight was 290
Weight now is 222
Goal is 150 and Goal date is 6-30-2004
Plastic surgery: I hope that the exercising im doing will help aid the need for ps.. But I can already tell Im going to need a breast lift.. But for now nothing a good bra wont hold up.
I would say im an average looser.. I was loosing 5 pounds a week but now it has slowed to about 5 every 2 weeks.
Had surgery on December 31,2003
Total loss is 68 pounds..
Im 5 foot 7
What Im looking forward to wearing is a backless dress with high heels and not have to worry if my back fat is hanging out.!
Hello, I'm Kimberly
Pre-op: 245
Date of Surgery 12-8-03
Current weight: 174
Total loss: 71lbs
Height: 5'4"
Goal weight: 140=happy 125=Thrilled
Date for goal: 140=8-8-04 125=12-8-04
Plastic surgery: YES, YES, YES....I want a flat tummy and perky boobs
What am I most looking forward to wearing: low rise jeans and a skinny t from the GAP

Name: Rachel
Pre-op Weight:230
Pre-op weight loss: I didn't lose any
Date of surgery: 12-01-03
Weight now: 170
Total Post-op loss: 60 pounds
Height: 5' 1"
Goal Weight: 125 pounds-- per doctor I think 130
Date you want
to be at Goal weight: 12-01-04
Are you a slow or fast loser? S L O W-- who on this board isn't slow...lol
De you expect to have to get Plastic Surgery? YES!! Boobs, thighs, arms are a must and my belly too!
What are you most looking forward to wearing when you are at goal?
wearing clothes that I'm not using to try to hide how big I am
**Hey Tracy, that was fun!!