Q.O.D. 3/29
How often do you weigh?
EVERY single bloody morning right before I get in the shower and after I have used the bathroom. SO buck nekkid!
Where in your home is your scale?
In my master bathroom
What type of scale do you use?
Tanita Digital/Body Fat calculator
Do you measure and if so how often?
1x a month approx on my anniversary date (29th)
AND we take front/side view pictures at that time as well. Right now I am wearing the same outfit for each of the pics but won't be able to do that much longer for the jeans.
I was weighing every day and it was driving me insane. i moved my scale from my bathroom to my laundry room in the basement, and I weigh myself once a week, when I am down there doing laundry. I don't know the brand of scale that I have but it is a heavy duty one, I got it at Sams Club for around 40.00 it weighs up to 400 lbs. I do my measurements and pictures once a month on the 8th, the anniversary of my surgery. I am down 81 lbs now since surgery 12/08/04
How often do you weigh? In the morn after I wee wee and in the evening before bed and of course in my B-day suit. Don't want anything to mess with the scale ya know.
Where in your home is your scale? The hallway lately
What type of scale do you use? Digital Tanita/Body fat caluculator
Do you measure and if so how often? yes, spuratically.
If you didn't measure at the start it is never too late! Remember we are still losing. I only lost 1.5 for over 2 weeks. I just measured and I went down 4.5 inches. Helps to see when our body is catching up to the pounds lost. Or however that works.
I weigh on Monday morning, so I keep myself honest over the weekend.
I have no idea what kind of scale I have, but it taunts me from the master bathroom all wee****il it's weigh day again. I could really drive myself
if I weighed more often, especially since I've learned that my scale was designed by the Marquis d'Sade. It gives bigger numbers if I try it again in a short time period.
I don't measure, except to see which of my old clothes fit now. The best recently was trying on my riding chaps that haven't fit in 5 years. I was just checking to see if I would be able to get into them soon, and they zipped right up!
Gotta love it when these things happen.
Have a great night!

How often do you weigh? Every morning.....truly wish I had the willpower not to but I'm consumed by it!
Where in your home is your scale? I put it in the basement bathroom where it isn't seen so that I won't be tempted to weight more than once a day which would be totally rediculous to do (but I'd do it if it was in sight).
What type of scale do you use? I bought a new digital scale shortly after surgery. It doesn't weigh the exact same amount if I step on it twice in a row, but pretty close most of the time.
Do you measure and if so how often? Yes, and I'm really glad I did/ do because when the scale stalls it sometimes can give me a little extra encouragement. I measured a few days before surgery and now measure at least on my monthly anniversaries, but sometimes other times too.....and there is nearly always a loss of inch(es) somewhere!