Q.O.D. 3/29
Good Monday Morning
It is raining today here in Houston
I hope everyone had a wonderful, "weight loss moment" filled weekend
Today's question is:
How often do you weigh?
Where in your home is your scale?
What type of scale do you use?
Do you measure and if so how often?
Have a great day

I weigh every day, about half an hour after I get up
My scale is in the kitchen, because there is no where else that is hard floor that it will fit. My friends think it is there to remind me not to eat!
I have a healthOmeter doctor's scale (balance kind)
I didn't measure at the begining and so I see no point in starting now (I wish I had done that)
Shelly, on the Texas board said she had ordered a talking scale. I said that I couldn't have that kind because I would argue with it all the time

Good Morning Jackie,
Spring break is over and it is back to my normal early morning routine.
My scale is in a weird place, the kitchen. My master bath and kitchen are kind of connected so, I keep it in the kitchen close to the bathroom so it does not get wet from us getting in and out of the tub etc. Imagine me having to make sure no one is in the kitchen before I sneak in thier buck naked to weigh myself every morning!
NOT a pretty sight! I don't measure very often but the scale is my master. I must visit it at least twice daily. It calls to me whenever I walk by...."Stand on meeeeee....Traaaaacy.....Stand on me....I'll give you good news!" Of course we all know the scale does LIE and doesn't always give us good news!
Have a great day!

I had a great weekend.....It is sunny this morning in Iowa.....But we are expecting showers and thunderstorms later this afternoon!!! I weigh every morning......I have a health-O-meter digital scale......My scale is in my master bath right next to the toilet....lol......I don't measure, like Jackie I didn't in the begining so now I don't bother.....my surgeons office does measure me though....so I could always ask them I guess!! Everyone have a great day.....by the way I haven't lost any weight for a week.....I hope I am not starting a lenghty plateau.....I wonder if it is about time for another
I hope not.......Take Care

How often do you weigh? every day, often at morning and at night, just to keep me honest
Where in your home is your scale? bathroom
What type of scale do you use? digital
Do you measure and if so how often? sporadically. I get measured each month at Curves.
-70 since came home from surgery
-120 since beginning of journey
These are great questions and they really get you thinking. Thanks Jackie!!
How often do you weigh? Every morning
Where in your home is your scale? Pantry
What type of scale do you use? Digital
Do you measure and if so how often? They measure me once a month at Contours. It really helps to know that you are losing inches, especially when the scale doesn't show any sign of moving. lol
Hope everybody has a GREAT Monday!
Yep... I am one of the people that has to weigh myself every single day. I told myself before surgery that I wouldn't do that... just once a week. I just can't stop myself. My scale is in the master bathroom and 20 mins. after getting up I jump on and hope for good news. I also didn't measure myself so I don't do it... wish I had too (maybe it would help me get through the plateaus). I have an inexpensive scale from Wal-Mart and it says I weigh 10 pounds less than my doctor's office-- well I have set it to 10 pounds instead of starting a (0****ep meaning to buy a digital one... It would be nice to be "accurate".
Have a good day!
I am cookoo
I weigh myself first thing in the morning, after I go to the bathroom, after I exercise and before I go to bed!
I also step on and off the scale or jiggle up and down to get it to go lower!
Scale is in the bathroom, I think it's a healthometer.
Didn't take any measurements before or now.
Did I mention I would like to throw my scale out the window!!!??
Lisa G

Helly everyone!
I weigh every morning when I get up. My scale is in the kitchen and it is digital ( I don't trust it either!!)
I measured the other day for the first time since I had my surgery. I have lost 12 inches from my hips, 11 inches from my waist and this is what amazes me the most is I have lost 4 inches from my neck!!
- 67