Lotsa questions
Hi! I'm Jean. I have been really busy lately with school.
.(I graduate next month,
it'll get better) So I haven't had a chance to post. But I have been in to check on you all.
So here are my questions..
1. Can we take softgels?? As far as Vitamins go?
2. I am a slow loser...are there any suggestions to lose faster?? (Soooooooo frustrating...
3. My surgeon told me not to be drinking the protein shakes because of the liquid calories. Are there any other options, or should I tell him to go fly a kite??:-0
4. Are you able to eat more and more and more every week, and hardly ever get sick?
This scares me because I don't want it to backfire!!
5. Are we allowed to have a little alcohol? I'm going to be married
someday and would like to have some wine to celeberate..
Ok there are my burning
questions. If anyone could help me figure this out I am forever grateful.
My surgeon is a little intimidating sometimes
and would rather hear from people experiencing the same thing. I know, I'm
Jeanie T.

Hi Jeanie,
Here are my "opinions"
With your vitamins you want something that breaks down pretty quickly (like chewables) Soft Gels might not absorb very well because they will move through your system before fully broken down.
Slow loser....sorry, I am right there with you
Just keep doing the exercise, protein and water and it will come off eventually.
My surgeon says no protein shakes too. You CAN get all you need from food.
The alcohol thing is an individual thing. I know plenty of post ops that can have the occasional drink. I would however, try it before your wedding day
Hope this helps

Jackie~ I would love not to drink protein shakes......but I for one cannot get all of my protein from food no matter how hard I try......could you give me a sample of your daily eating that gives you enough protein??? By the way~how many grams a day are you getting??? Thanks....I would love to give up the shakes!!!
For Jeanie: I was told NO softgels or anything coated......Alcohol, just be careful.....It goes to our livers much faster and we should NOT drink on any kind of a regular basis....I do the shakes though I would rather not....The brand I prefer is Elite and it has 112 calories per 22 grams of protein.......Hope that helps a little!!!

I try to get 60 - 80 grams of protein a day (those are the guidelines the nutritionist gave me) I have eggs, cheese, nuts, chicken, milk etc. (foods that are high in protein) I also do the protein bars, like Balance or Zone when I am on the go.
Have you tried the whey fruity lemonaide or the tasteless whey protein that you can add to your food. Just thinking what might help you if you hate the shakes
I have word document with high protein foods if you would like me to send it to you

Hi Jean,
I have an intimidating doc also
, so keep on askin' someone usually knows the answer!
I'm supposed to take the chewable flinstones "forever". I have heard after six months or so you can switch to regular pill vites but I agree with Jackie that they have to absorb quicker, as when chewed.
I am the SLOWEST LOSER so don't feel bad about that!
I actually had a drink when I was at a function in Feb. I only had one and it made me woozier than it would have pre-op, but after the one and a litte buzz, I was fine. It was a bloody mary...figured the tomato juice was healthy!
Again, my doc says no protein shakes...so contrary to what you hear everyone on the board doing, isn't it? But I figure I would rather eat (and get to chew) my protien calories than drink the calories!
And OMG, I can eat a ton (well, not a ton, maybe a cup) at a time and I have no dumping, occasionally that frothy sick feeling if I chewed and swallowed too fast. I hear people only eating a few spoons and think my surgery didn't work. But, if I eat chicken breast or something dense like that, I can only eat 2 ounces. Other stuff that is softer is what I can eat more of. So, I figure the pouch is working, it just depends on what kind of food goes in.
Keep on posting!
Lisa G

Hi Jean, your surgery date is 1 day before mine. How slow are you losing, because I think I am the slowest of all? How do you count your calories lost? Some people count them from their highest weight and some people count them from the day of surgery. My Dr. counts from presurgery, so that includes any weight lost on presurgery diets/fasts. If I go by my surgeons number I have lost 46lbs(188) but somehow gained back 3lbs(must be water weight???). If I go by the day of surgery lost I have only lost 32lbs (lost 14lbs on presurgery dieting-required).
I know I am not exercising enough and on a daily basis. I did walk about 2 miles today in the park.
1. I was taking Flintstones chewable - ran out - then bought
sour chewable gummy bear vits. I'm going back to the Flintstones.
2.I'm in need of help in the slow loser category too. I'm listening
closely to any advise given.
3.My surgeon requires we drink about 20grams of protein daily or at
this point 2 protein shakes a day. I do well to get in 1. At my
3 mo. appt Tues. Doc is not going to like that.
4. I have only gotten sick twice and that was early on. It does
seem like I can eat too much at times also.
5. Haven't tried alcohol yet, but I would test it at home first.
You didn' mention if you can eat sugar. I have discovered some sugar doesn't bother me, am I ever worried about that!!!!!
Type o on the 20grams. Each shake is 28grams and he wants me to drink 2 a day at this point + eat protein at meals. I will ask him how much protein daily I need at this point and let you know.
BTW do not let your Dr. intimidate you - you pay him to see you. He is serving you not the other way around. Without his patients he doesn't have a job. (I work for a Dr. and they are just people like you and I.)
Hi Jeanie,
As far as vitamins go... I did do the Flintstones for the first 3 months and then my doctor said it was okay to switch... I take Centrum chewable (2times a day) and of course my B12, calcium, and iron pills right now (I was a little bit anemic at my last appt.)
Our nurse doesn't want us to do protein shakes but when I asked my doctor about it... he said that it was okay b/c at least for now it would be really hard to get in all my protein with just food. I can't get in 60-80g a day from just food... I would have to have food constantly in my mouth and then when would I drink my water? He did tell me not to do more than one a day b/c he wants me focus on getting it from food and to eventually try to do it. He doesn't mind the shakes as long as I still eat real food...not bars... he doesn't like those. Weird how doctors are all different.
There are some days when I can eat more than others... if it is chicken well then that is almost all I will have for the day b/c I get so full and it really doesn't take much. I have been able to eat steak but not much of that either.
Alcohol is not something you want to do on a regular basis but an occasional drink shouldn't hurt (1 every 3 or 4 months). I am not much of a drinker and one or two max. would do me in... I wonder how it would be now...lol!
Best of luck to you. I think all of us Decemberites are slow losers...well except for the guys...lol!

Ok. protein shakes. I never understand surgeons that discourage them.
We are to consume 70-90 grams of protein a day, with what little I eat, I can't see how you can get in that much. My surgeon encourages us to drink protein shakes until at least 9 months post. I drink two every day (made with 2% carbcountdown milk +protein powder = 175 calories) I have lost as of this morning 85 lbs. At support group, my dietician says if your weight loss slows, to incorporate another shake into your day. Protein encourages weight loss. and helps maintain muscle mass. Unfortunately, many of the surgeons performing this surgery are general surgeons. and are not well educated
on the full needs of their patients. good luck! I hope everyone is doing well!

There should be no problem with protein shakes as meal replacements (not snacks, unless you need to play catch-up with protein for the day). I have an Atkins protein shake every day for breakfast with my surgeon's blessings, and believe me, he's STRICT! It's only 170 calories, with only 4 grams of carbs and 20 grams of protein. A real nutritional bargain, and it's quick and easy.
Losing slowly? How is your carb consumption? Exercise frequency? Water drinking?
As far as being able to eat more goes, I believe we're supposed to experience a relaxation of the pouch, with a peak at 6 months or so. As long as you eat your protein first, and honor the first inkling of that "full" feeling, you'll be OK.
I've already had a little alcohol, and it didn't kill me! Word of advice - don't drink it on an empty stomach - I almost "dumped"!
About the vitamins - check with your Dr.. You need a specific amount of everything, and in a highly absorbable format, in order to remain healthy. Don't take chances - ask him/her first, or go to one of the bariatric websites selling vitamins for US!
Good luck, and congrats on the impending graduation!