Q.O.D. 3/25
I am the queen of pack rats...it makes me nervous to throw stuff away. In fact the few times I have thrown something away it will be something that I really need a few days later
My husband throws stuff away if it stays still for a few days, so I have to be careful to move every now and then so I don't end up in the trash
I would like to be more organized and be able to be more brutal when it came to deciding what stays and what goes.
Have a great clutter free day,

Hello Jackie,
I am a packrat desperately trying to become a minimalist. I like to SAY that I am a minimalist. The past few years I have been trying not to buy things that I don't need and also getting rid of those things that we don't use. We still have loads of junk, but it is a lot less than it used to be. I try not to be sentimental about things and just get rid of them now because who has the room to store it?! Whenever I get my new house...I WILL be a minimalist!!!
Funny what you said about housecleaning day, Thursday is my cleaning day too. I will be there right with you trying to avoid what needs to be done!
Afterall, it isn't like it will run away from me or that anyone else will do it!

I'm the same way as you Jackie, I hate to throw something away because I know I will need it sometime (and I hate to waste anything). My husband hates clutter and is always tossing things out that has been around very long. When I didn't work I had everything in order, but now I'm too busy and not very organized.
I guess I am a little of both......I save the weirdest stuff.......but I like having open space and everything clean......so I do tend to get rid of clutter!!!! But sometimes I find myself saving furniture and junk for months....then one day I get sick of it and load up the truck and go to the dump......so I am just plain weird I guess!!!! Jackie thanks for the compliment the other day!!!! Makes a girl feel good! lol Take Care

Im just like u Jesi! I will save things for months thinking I may need it soon. And it doesnt help when my hubby is always bringing stuff home. So i store it all for a while then get sick of it and send it away. i think I have gotten better though because I used to save things for years and now im down to months. lol. I would love to be more organized but im not really good at all the homemaker stuff. I should be considering I am a home maker but hey I try

oh well....would love to be neat and tidy but who has time for all that?!
I would love to have things streamlined and picture perfect. Don't think that will ever happen unless there is a maid following around behind me...and I married MR Organization.... ugh what a clash!
I am also BOTH. I toss out a lot of stuff but I also keep stuff and wonder why on earth I have it. That being said, right now I'm in a MAJOR "get rid of it" mode as I'm having a huge garage sale a week from tomorrow. 'Am hoping to earn some money for some new clothes!! I'm selling all kinds of things so if you're in the neighborhood
stop by!!

I am both. I hate to have clutter around the house, but if you open a closet, everything is stuffed in!
My DH leaves a tornado in his path. I can tell eveything he's done during the day if he's home and I'm gone...I just follow the trail.
I go around the house picking up after everyone then I realize I've gotten absolutely nothing done all day.
Lisa G