What is wrong with me???
I am 3 months out and starting I guess Saturday I was getting pains in my abdom. area and on the right side under my ribs. The pain is constant and dull but sharp at times. It radiates from my lower abdom to my uper right quad. I started to think it was my galbladder so I saw my PCP today and she ordered a ultrasound and blood test stat. My ultrasound came up negative howerver I will not know the results of the blood test till the morning. She was testing for low white blood cells and pancreas (sorry bad spelling they should have spell check on here anyway) I just dont know what is wrong I called the surgeons office and he is going to get back to me tonight but was told by the nurse that I was taking the right tests. soooo What is wrong with me I have never felt this before it is like I have cramps but not really, I feel constipated but I am not, my intestns hurt. I feel nauseas. My PCP said she does not know but if it gets worse then go to the ER and let them do a work up on me because she has know Idea what is wrong. I can eat and keep food and drinks down. On Thursday I had some corn beef which came back up (first time getting sick) Sooo00000. Anyone have an idea or feel the same way etc.....
Thanks so much
I know you all are not doctors however this is a support group and well I need the support!!!
Sorry that you are having problems. But it seems to me that you are going the right route to find out what is wrong. When it comes to unknown pain the doctor is always the best judge. Just wait it out until morning when you get the blood test results back. Have you gone to see your surgeon yet? He/She might be a better judge of what is going on than your PCP. Thats what they are there for! Call!