Q.O.D. 3/24
I love to read
Not only that but I am a bookaholic..I have so many waiting to be read that it isn't funny. I am wondering if as I lose weight will my addiction turn to clothes instead?
Anyway, I love reading light hearted fiction...particularly by English authors. Since Bridget Jones Diary came out there have been so many published over here. I used to have to have my relatives in England send me them
At the moment I am reading a book called "Rescuing Rose" (a comedy)
I am also studying "Experiencing God" in Bible Study and The Book of Acts on Sundays. I am trying to read a book on parenting by James Dobson and a book on Forgiveness....how is that for eclectic????????????
I just don't see how people can exercise and read at the same time
I bounce too much
I want to read some of the WLS books but I am not sure which one to get
Any suggestions?

Good Morning !
Reading is one of my passsions - inherited from my mother I'm sure..
I like a to read a lot of different types of books too .. From Purpose Driven Life to Sidney Sheldon.. I particularly enjoy James Patterson and his Alex Cross novels.. I also enjoy the Mitford Series I can't remember the author's name at the moment but it is a series of light reading, feel good books that follows a small town pastor and his community.. The author is a great storyteller *****ally "brings you there".
I have read both Carnie Wilson books that deals with her emotional side of WLS - if anyone cares to read to read the 2nd one which I still have, I'd be glad to ship it out..
Have a great day !

I also like to read.....and I CAN read while exercising........While exercising I mainly read magazines as I do find it hard to read actual books while jumping about.....lol......I just finished a bool "PAssing for thin" It was a good book, the woman did not have WLS but lost a lot of weight and it just talks about a lot of the same feelings and problems we deal with while changing......also a Purpose Driven Life......though I sometimes don't remember to read my page for the day.....
I am also looking for some WLS books....we have very limited resources in my local library for WLS.....I have read both of Carnies books and they were good easy reads.....Take Care and have a good day

I love to read...problem is I can't put them down once I start!
I read ALL of the Harry Potter books in a 2 week period.
I love Michael Crichton (Jurassic Park), Stephen King, Tom Clancy, John Saul (one of my favorites).... l guess I prefer Thrillers/Suspense and a bit of mystery/science thrown in.
and no way could I read while exercising..I can't even do it in the car now on trips...when I was a kid...no problem...WHAT happens to us?
I've never been much of a reader. Does anyone here get the new obesity help magazine? Do you know when the next issue is out? I should have a cartoon that I did in this issue so I am SO EXCITED to see it!
I saw someone on the big board say that they got thiers a week ago, so I am wondering where mine is. Sniffle Sniffle :o( Tracy