QOD 3/23
Well spring break is over here in cypress and the kids are all back in school
so I thought it would be fun to find out what people had planned for the summer
Have you made your vacation plans for the summer yet? If so, where are you going? If you could afford to go anywhere, where would it be?
Have a great day,

We are going on a few short trips in May --Miami to see my SIL graduate, Niagara Falls with my Aunt (only a 3 hr drive) for 2 nights...I hope the exchange rate gets better
Then I go down to NC to see all of my relatives over Memorial Weekend --fun 8 hr drive unless I land on some great $100 airfare. Yeah right!
BUT the big trip......
drum roll please.....................................
NEW ZEALAND and MELBOURNE!!!! August 6-22. We don't actually arrive until the 8th so we will have a full 2 weeks! 8 nights on the North Island of New Zealand and 6 nights Melbourne. It is their winter time so no bathing suit weather. However, New Zealand's North Island is chock full of Thermal Pools and Volcanic Hot Springs to soak in!!!! hmmmm sounds nice and toasty!
AND the best thing is....FREE AIRFARE and all but 6 nights are FREE with hotel points!! Our biggest expense will be a rental car!
Again, I hope the exchange rate gets better so my dollar can stretch farther--cause I will be UNEMPLOYED as of July 30th. I don't need to hear the honey complain about every dollar we spend on vacation!
This will probably be our last big vacation for a while I am guessing...unless we can figure out a way to do that Alaskan Cruise before I get pregnant (hopefully summer 2005). Then, once we have kids it will be FREE vacations at my parents house at the beach in Georgia or my stepmom's mtn "cabin" ---free babysitting included! Unfortunately they are a 11-15 hr drive away depending upon location. We need to move closer to enjoy these FREE vacation spots...hmmmmm

Good Morning ..
The sun is shining and if the temp. would move upwards of 40 degrees I'd be in virtual heaven here..
No travel plans for the summer, but we will do trips to the beach and day stuff.. and we have no travel plans because we'll be returning to good ol' Orlando, Fla in Feb. 05..We did Disney in Nov. 04 and this time we'll do Universal and Seaworld..
Dream vacation? I'm with you Jackie a Caribbean Cruise with all my family and friends. What a time that would be !!
Have a great day

No major summer plans here either........I am sure we will do lots of weekend activities.....Like going to the Zoo......Adventureland......hot rod shows......But no major traveling......Our vacation always gets sucked up because people come visit us......We want to do something big....hopefully next year................I am also looking forward to a cruise...but I want it to be just hubby and me

I have a friend who is getting married in August and we will go up for her wedding and plan our vacation to follow. We haven't decided for sure where yet. A lot depends on how gas prices go I guess. We thought about upper coatal carolina (she lives in VA), or to PA---but I'd like to go to Disney, since hubby has never been...if I can work out a deal somewhere.
Good Morning Everyone! It has been beautiful 70 degree weather here in SE Washington (sorry for all you who are still in Winter Wonderland).
We will be packing up the kids for a trip to Arizona, Via Las Vegas, to see my sister and her family. They live in Northern AZ so we will get to visit the Grand Canyon-something none of us has ever done. I am so thrilled to know that I will be able to walk and walk AND keep up with DH this vacation
Please pray for us-a two day drive each way with 4 kids in the car
We will also be traveling to the Western side of the state for my cousins wedding. We will make a mini-vacation out of it and stop at the Seattle Zoo and a few other places the kids might like.
If time and money were no object, we'd take another cruise or visit Hawaii or maybe a cruise around the Hawaiian Islands. Just DH and I!!
Have a great day! Kimberly

I am looking forward to Aug 20th!
My husband and I for our wedding anniversay are taking a cruise to the Bahama's. I have never been on a cruise and I am really excited! I hope by August I will be in a size 14! I am in 18/20's and 1X's now. You think I may be down to a 14??? I guess we'll see. Hope all of ya'll have a great day!