Q.O.D..Day 17
Hi Everyone!
It doesn't bother me a bit for someone to eat in front of me. I don't know if it will when I reach goal, but right now, I have the euphoria of regular weight loss success to keep me going. Most of the people that I work with are really great, they tease me (in good fun) about how I get by on a grain of rice and a bean now. But they also brag on my loss a lot, too!
Eating noises have always been a pet peeve. I especially hate to hear people breathe when they are eating too fast. You know the one; they inhale fast, then you hear them chomp-chomp their food and hear them swallow and then it starts again.
I really can't handle that! Smacking is not my favorite, but I can tune that out. Not the breathing thing, tho!
Now, we are all going to be paying real close attention to ourselves for a few days!! Thanks Jacque!

I has wls on dec 1 2003.At first it bothered me a lot but the other day a friend came to visit and he had a foot long sub with every kind of meat known to God on it and he said i'm sorry does this bother you? I said no not at all and I hope you choke on it..lol.. he said wow you must be hungry...steve