Q.O.D..Day 8
Good Morning Jackie,
Hmmmmm Who would I like to run into (but NOT with my car)...I sit here and think and can't think of a soul! I guess there is no one who I care to impress from my past. I think if I could be thinner than my sister for the first time in my life, that would be pretty cool. I only see her about once a year as she lives in another state. She has always teased me about my weight. So, if I could just be thinner than my sister, that would feel like the ultimate revenge!
Have a great day!
RNY 12-12-03

I am looking forward to this. I have a couple people id like to run into when the time is right. Not because they were mean or anything. Just a couple good friends I have been to ashamed to see due to my weight.For a couple of years now I have been putting them off because I didnt want them to see me.
I wouldn't mind running into anyone from my past. For years I have avoided seeing people I knew because I also was ashamed of my weight. The neat part would be that they might not recognize me. I don't think I'll even recognize myself when I get to goal! The biggest thing I'm looking forward to, is all the new people I'm meeting everyday. Life is wonderful!
Ohhhhh ahhhhhh Good topic...Well 1st I would like to use my car on this one.... My Ex Best Friend..
And Let me tell you why... Weight has always been an issue with her not that she was obese but always an issue... (that drives her crazy) (short version)Anyway My daughters father and I were together and thought we were happy and one day he packed and left said I don't love you anymore I was devistated.. I cried on her shoulder Everyday for 3 months Started to feel good about myself and her and I went out one night. Prowling around town at a local bar. We had fun and needless to say She came back to my house with a man and LAter that night my Ex showed up at my house while she was there Telling em the reason he left me was for her. They had been seeing each other the whole time.. Even when I watched her child They were out together. (she even had her child lie to me). Needless to say I kicked her ass that night But then they moved in with each other for 9months and Then I get a call one day I love you I'm sorry can I come back home..So of course I said yes. He was back with me for 2 weeks Even tho I told him I was dating other people we were gonna work it out... But then He got into a car accident because he was drunk and killed him self... I did truly love him and it broke my heart. It broke my heart on many levels. She was my best friend I told her everything... How could someone like that do this to you. So as of today she lives only 10 min from me and I pass her on the road now and then... She has no idea I had this surgery and When All is said and done I would love to see that
just to rub it in her face... Sorry so long guys. But felt good to get if off my chest.

My parent's 50th anniversary was in 2002. I saw EVERYONE I ever knew that day, and I was inwardly dying from embarrasment and humiliation at being so fat. My Godfather, whom I had not seen in years did not recognize me (OK, he was like 80 years old too). Then he looked in my eyes and said, "Oh, there you are I can see your eyes." I fought back tears, as I am now remembering it. He died this winter and I won't get to show him my skinny self, but you know what? He sees me right now from heaven.
Lisa G