Q.O.D..Day 7
Good Monday morning my ever shrinking Decemberites
Today's question is.....
What size were you before surgery (or for those of you who lost pre-op) what size were you before you started this weight loss journey?
What size are you now?
What size do you want to make it to?
Have a wonderful, successful, healthy day

Good Morning Jackie,
Although I have lost almost 50 pounds, sizes arent changing all that much. I started out in a 26-28 and am about a 22-24 now. Not MUCH change but people still notice. Bra size hasn't changed much I was a 44-D, some bras DD and now maybe a 42-smaller D.
I can still wear the same bras, I just cinch them tighter and have a little more room up front. Don't think that I can get into a C cup yet. I can now cross my legs!
I'm quite happy about that! Have a great day,

You are so funny! Hot legs! hee hee
I am not a sock wearer so I don't know. (Florida) I can definately SEE that my legs have changed, yesterday I had my leg propped op on the bottom of the shopping cart and looked at the back of my calf, I saw my usual line up the side (depression between muscles) but also a "V" indention at the back of my knee like you see on body builders!
Now if my thighs will catch up...I'll be thrilled!
My husband and I went out to dinner on Saturday night with our friend Richard, I wore a long skirt that is a mock wrap, so it is slit all the way up the front. Boy, I crossed those legs (slit open) every chance I got! I had make-up on and felt good about myself for the first time in years! I had stopped wearing makeup because I didn't like the results, ugly without make-up, ugly with so, I didn't bother anymore. It's great looking in the mirror and actually ALMOST liking what you see (in the face)
Got any ideas on how to get rid of Acid Reflux? I've tried everything conventional. It's killing me this morning! Thanks, Tracy

I want a sexy skirt
My doctor started me on prevacid last week and boy does it help
The other choice is Nexium but insurance companies don't like to pay for that one..it is new and really expensive
The other choice is prilosec which is now over the counter..but check with your doctor first. I break open the prevacid and pour it on some apple sauce

Hello again,
I found this sexy skirt in my closet!
A LITTLE big but still looked nice. Longer than it used to be because my hips shrank! lol My doctor had me on pepcid for the first month, that is all he required, I am affraid that this reflux that I get about once every two weeks will do damage to my poor little pouch. I guess I'm just going to have to go back on something. This lasts ALL DAY and nothing helps it! I do TUMS, mylanta, aloe vera drink, LOADS of water, eating, not eating, nothing helps. UGH! I hate it! It woke me up at about 4 am and now I am so tired but I know if I lay down, I won't be able to sleep because of it...and in case someone wants to know....Yes, I DO want some cheese with my WHINE! lol