Question of the day
In order to step up the posts on our December board (as requested
) I am going to post a question of the day
I got this idea from Adriana on the Texas board
Today's question...
What is the coolest weight loss moment you have had so far?
Mine is being able to get rid of the seatbelt extender in my car

Well, this might seem trivial but I sure was happy when it happened to me. I finally got to wear a matching bra and panty set. I haven't been able to do that with pride since jr. high school!! No one knew what I had on underneath but I did and I beamed with pride.
I have lost 46 pounds FOREVER!!
Hello again...
I must retract what I said was my best weight loss moment thus far... I mentioned sitting in resin chairs...WELL, I just HAD mu best moment. I posted this morning asking for other Decemberees to post more often and I was reading through those and right at the bottom was this wonderful post from a person who saw my profile saying that I HAVE GREAT LEGS! I have not had that compliment is SO LONG!!! This is now my BEST weight loss moment!
I had not driven for about 8 weeks, then I got behind the wheel of the car one day and realized that my belly no longer touched the steering wheel, in fact there was a good 4 inch gap between me and the steering wheel! For years I've just been use to my belly butting up against the wheel when I drive. It felt weird and very cool to have that new space there that wasn't there before. Pretty soon I'll have to move my seat up!