Something got stuck
Okay all Had surgery 12/29 and Down I'm guessing 45lbs and last night went to dinner with a girlfriend and then when out after that so got home around 2am and thought let me heat up 2 of the leftover shrimp I had for dinner. So I am standing there eating a shrimp and tortilla chip and Had to stop... Felt bad.. So I opted for bed... Then about and hour into sleep Got up with the worst pain. Balled up on the bed.. Tried to Throw up and could not.
Thinking CHRIST!! This hurts, Should I the Dr. go the the Hosp.. What to do.. SO I went looking for Barb Thompsons Book to see if there were any references About getting something stuck... IT said to drink warm water with meat Tenderizer in it.. And At 3:30 in the morning Knowing I have none... Crap, What to do... I was up with Pain until about 5am... Finally fell asleep
and Woke this Morning Feeling better. ( a lil) No more pain... Has anyone gone throught this yet.. and What did you do ???

I have. I don't have any meat tenderizer and can't find any at the store to have on hand so I suffer. Usually last anywhere from an hour to 30 minutes. I get up and walk around and stand up straight. LOL Makes me feel like I am helping. My problems is getting in a hurry and not chewing well enough. No matter how hard I try to slow down. Neve fails. Once a day I go too fast. Aggrivating.
OMG,this happens to me all the time. Shrimp and chicken especially are bad. I don't care how much I chew, it get's stuck. The other night I had dinner two small bites (chicken) at 8pm, was in pain and throwing up until 1am. The next day my stomach area hurt so much from the muscles contracting, felt like I did massive sit-ups. I asked my doctor about this and he said to make sure I am not drinking half hour before eating and up to an hour after. I do that and still have problems. The only thing I have not tryed is the meat tenderizer with warm water. For me when I have those episodes (things sticking) I take is easy with soft foods the next day. It does make me feel better to know that I am not alone with this, I know it sucks!