How are you doing....
I had my surgery on December 3rd and am down 44 pounds. I'm drinking 2 protein drinks which totals to 70+ grams of protein. But I'm not eating much of anything. When I do eat eats eggs, bacon, turkey, cheese, ham, or tuna.
I do notice that when I eat solids I get a buring sensation when I swallow. Has anyone else experienced this feeling?
Had my surgery on 12/12 and I am down 52lbs. I never get that burning should ask you doctor about that. My doctor said I should get like 45-50 grams of protein a day. I do have a diabetic drink which has protein in it for the morning. I have not tried bacon...I think I will try some turkey bacon!
Hello Tonya,
I am too down 44 pounds! I had my surgery on 12-12. I can't believe you have gone so long without solid food! Have you tried things like the softer solids like cottage cheese, SF yogurt? If not, I would try those first to work up to the harder foods. I have been eating meats for about a month or maybe a bit more. I started out with things like chicken strips (Louis Rich makes good ones) take a TINY bite and chew chew chew! I chewed until it was pureed (yogurt consistency) before I would swallow it. I your crave beef, try BOCA burgers! Try a couple bites, see how you do. Are you on any kind of meds like Pepcid to help your new tummy heal? I was told that bacon because of the nitrates, some do not do well with it. I personally cannot eat eggs anymore, up they come every time. You can also try string cheese, just the same though, chew until it is pureed. That is how I started on solids. If you still have the burning, definately tell your surgeon. Hope this helps!
You're doing great, Tonya! I had my open rny on Dec 15th and I'm down 42lbs (for over a week). I was told by my nutritionist to get in 80-100 gms of protein a day. I am actually doing it...with two protein shakes with skim per day, then I have a light yogurt sometimes mid morn. or night time. I try to get in solid proteins one meal. I can tolerate most meats if they are tender...I chew like crazy and eat very slowly. Very lean deli turkey and ham (shaved) are great. Good luck and have that burning sensation checked out. Take care Jeanie
Hi Tonya
I had my surgery on 12.29.03, I was down 40 lbs as of last week. I'm sorry I can't answer the question of the burning sensation but am wondering if it is something like acid reflux? Do you take anything like pepsid daily? I don't eat much of anything and am trying to venture out and try new things. It's not that I can't, I'm just nervous about getting sick (which I sooooooo hate). I have been living on soups, cottage cheese, low carb yogurt, pinto beans with cheese, mainly still soft things. I did try a couple of small bites of hamburg.. it was ok, I didn't get sick but it didn't really hit the spot for me either. Oh well, I guess we just have to keep positive and keep trying!
I hope you look into this and share the info!!! Be well!
6 weeks Lap RNY -40