my first complication
well, i thought that being 2 1/2 months out, i was past the worst of it. i found it unusual that i was only able to eat very small (1-2 tbsp) portions. but i just thought that was my body adjusting. well then about 2 weeks ago my stomach started cramping
and i started vommiting often on. it got really bad this last weekend, so i went to see my surgeon. i have an apt. thursday for a consultation to get scoped. just what i wanted another EGD. my surgeon suspects it may be either a stricture or an ulcer!
oh well, one day at a time, but anything to make me feel better would be great. hope everyone else is doing well, i'll let you know how things go.

Hi, I'm in the same place as you...I also have to go to the hospital on Thursday for a scope. I thought I was doing OK, but when I started to add more dense protein like meat, I couldn't keep it down. I was throwing up every night, so now they will do the scope to see what is going on....I also have terrible constipation, what a drag...oh, well. I heard the first six months could be rough...just keep on keeping on I guess
keep your chin up (no punt intended) hehehe, will be think of you. let us know how things turn out. you can email me anytime at [email protected]
take care.
Hang in there. It gets better. I have been scoped twice already. I had a medium stricture and was scoped at 4 weeks post op. I had another scope at 7 weeks. I am finally able to eat more than just a tablespoon or two. I can actually eat a kids portion of mini ravoli now(about 4 oz). That is a big improvement for me. I did not have any bad side effects from the scope. My throat was a little sore but that was all.
Good luck to you