How are we doing?
rny 12-16-04 382
-30 as of jan 23
next weigh in is feb 23
I lost inches and wareing jeans for the first time........
to see photos
My surgery was Dec 4, and I am down 44.5 lbs,
I too haven't been hungry, and I have to really stay on top of eating to make sure I get in enough protein, I have to eat every 2-3 hours to get it all in. I feel like I am eating all the time, and it drives me bonkers. I only want to eat 3 times a day... but I wouldn't get in enough protein if I only ate 3 times a day.
-38 post op (plus 20 pre-op)
1. That I can get so hungry
2. That it is NOT easy
3. That I would be so disappointed in losing ONLY 38 lbs
4. That I still think about food all the time and how much I still want to eat for emotional reasons and out of habit.
5. That I feel so much better already...I can move again!
surgery date 12/03/03
lost 62lbs.
my surprises: 1. that i hate going out to eat
2. that no matter how much i chew, things still get stuck
(i think i may have to get scoped
3. i don't crave any foods and find that depressing.
4. feel that i'm not loosing fast enough
5. i can still only eat 2-3 tbsp. of food.
6. i thought i'd have more energy by now.
7. even though i don't notice a difference. other people are!