I had my Lap RNY on December 29th. I am just now starting to have this problem. I am drinking my water and have cut back some on my protein intake. I have also put in alittle more walking thinking that would get things going. NOTHING!! I am starting to get worried because I am not wanting to eat anything.
My Grandmother said that nothing can get things going again like warm prunes!! She was such a smart lady. I wonder if I could get a small jar of baby food prunes? This is really starting to worry me. I have never had this type of problem before.
Please tell me that someone else is having this type of problem being almost 3 weeks post op!! ANY suggestions???
Hi Rhonda,
I am almost 4 weeks out and yes, I am having the same problem. I don't have a BM unless I take a laxative. I really need to try something like prunes (yuck) or other foods to make me go, because it is not healthy to rely on laxatives. I hope others respond, as I need advice also!
Hang in there,
I had the constipation issue over New Years. I was even starting to bleed from trying to pass the bowel movement. I was so miserable, that I decided to do something that I had never done before, take a laxative. Never again. I didn't take a full dose, and it did get things moving , but OMG the pain and grief. The only way to clean myself was to get in the shower and hose off. Then I would go back to bed , exhausted and fall asleep to wake up 2 hrs later and start the whole thing again. It took about 3 days to work everything thru my system , and my poor husband had to clean the bathtub. If I have that problem again, I would definately do prune juice and not ex lax.
I was having alot of nausea and the only thing that would go down without a fight was milk. I'm thinking that it was the milk that caused me to get so stopped up. Laying a heating pad across my tummy helped some.
Hope you are feeling better soon.
Boy! You should have read some of my posts on the Message Board, when I was four weeks out. I was miserable! I tore something and would bleed, every time I went to have a movement. It was so painful! It happened more than once, too. I eventually took Senikot and stool softeners, religiously. I realize that laxatives are unhealthy. Senikot is a natural vegetable laxative and it doesn't have a stimulant. You'll have to make peace with it, somehow. Try the Senikot and the stool softeners, without a stimulant. Of course you can eat prunes, too. Good Luck!