Protein vs Kidney - help
Hi All,
I need help. I'm suppose to be drinking between 55 -85 grams of protein a day according to my surgeon. I was drinking 2 bottles of Isopure which has 40 grams of protein per bottle. My right kidney is constantly sore.
I have heard too much protein can cause kidney problems, does anyone else have this problem or maybe some insight to what is going on? I have diluted the isopure with water and ice cubes but nothing seems to help. I cut back to 40 grams of protein (1 bottle) per day and the soreness is still there. My surgery was 12/16 RNY-LAP. Thank You all for any input. SnoJo
Snojo- Are you still in ketoisis? That condition will often cause your kidney to hurt a little, my right kidney is also the one that gets sore too. you can buy ketone strips at a drug store and use them to see if your in ketosis or not. I was in ketosis for about 3 weeks after surgery and then left the ketosis state. the amount of ketosis your in, if heavy ketosis is present, can cause the pain but the protein can to, expecialy if high protein and ketosis exist at the same time, to lower your ketosis eat a few more carbs but not much. keep a watch with the ketosis strips, moderate is where i like to be.
if you still have problems check with the good old doctor....he is the final answer any ways.
Hi Frank,
Go****'s good to see you again on the message boards. (smiling)
Yes, I'm still in heavy Ketosis. I do have the Ketostix strips and have been watching my ketosis levels. The first two weeks I lost 30 lbs and was in heavy ketosis. The third week I entered a moderate level of ketosis and have been on a plateau. Which I'm grateful for. It might help my skin keep up with my weight loss. (Hopefully) I understand the 80 grams of protein I drink per day should not affect my kidneys, the amount Body Builders use (500-1000 grams) a day is more like the amount that affects Kidneys. I'm not even close to that. But I will try a small amount of Carbs to see if that helps. It amazes me, that only one kidney is affected, why not both? My follow-up appointment with Dr. V. is next Wednesday and I'm trying to wait until I see the Good Dr. (Smiling)
Thanks for your input, it's greatly appreciated. How are you doing with your own weight loss? Everything A-Ok? It's good to see you on the Boards. (Smiling) Take care and thank you again.
SnoJo aka JS

I'm fine here. I stopped losing weight for about 8 days and I think I lost about 2 pounds the last 3-4 days. I've loss 39.5 pounds in the last month. I only need 88 pounds more to be at my target weight of 180 so I'm currently 268, so the weight loss will likely be slower for me. If i can keep about 12 pound average for the next 5 months i'll be happy, we'll see tho.
Wonderful News Frank.
Gosh 39.5 in a month is "Fabulous" Keep up the good work. I wish I could say, I only have 88 more to go (Laughing) unfortunately I'm only 5'1" the shorter you are the less you weigh. I would be happy with 122 as my goal, but I know I should be 100 to 110. Only time will tell, what I end up with. I'm glad all is going well for you, and the best of luck in the next five months. Keep us posted. We all need inspiration, needless to say .
Thanks Again, SnoJo aka JS

Hi SnoJo,
I am scanning the site - as I frequently do - and came across your question. I too was experiencing the exact same feeling - only in my left kidney - and wondered if I was dehydrated or getting an infection. Had no idea ketosis impacts the kidneys. Thanks for asking this question and for shedding some light on this post-op. Had an open RNY on 12/2 and so far I'm down 35 lbs. Best of luck. Joan