4 weeks post op and having some problems: HELP
Hi everyone!
I had the open RNY performed on Dec 10th, 2003. Wow, what a dream come true that was
! I was doing very well all the way up until about 2 weeks post op and then I started having bouts of nausea and vomiting. I am on the full liquid diet still and not really progressing. I am now lactose intolerant so I have switched to soy products. I have not been able to take my vitamins for the last 2 weeks because they come right back up and I feel so weak because my protein consumption is not where it should be. If anyone out there has had this problem and found a way through it, PLEASE, fill me in
. I do hope that all is going well for everyone out there and that you had a wonderful holiday season.

Sorry you are feeling
I also learned milk doesn't agree with me, I found Lactaid with extra soy protein by the milk products (14gr =8oz) & use it with my CIB. I also cannot chew my chewable vitamins, I can't seem to taste them that long. I started crushing them (I whack them with a large metal spoon)(stress relief LOL) (waiting for my mortar & pestle gets here) & putting them in 1 tsp of applesauce. I found 1 bite, I can handle them & no queasy feeling. Good luck & hugs your way.

Hi Kathy...
I am 5 weeks out and have had some similiar problems...nothing wanted to agree with me for awhile so I just kept trying new things. I found diet Sierrha Mist soda (flattened) helped ease my nausea as did chamomile tea with Splenda (hot). The period passed and I feel much better now. If it continues for you, call your Dr so he can check your stoma. Good luck!!
Hello I had my open RNY on 12/11/03. I had the same problem starting at 3 weeks. I had extreme nausea and dry heaving. I could not even drink my water without getting sick. Needless to say I was in the hospital last week and treated with Iv's to treat dehydration. During my hospital stay I was also put through a CT scan and a barium swallow. No problems were found. Currently I am at home and doing IV's at home each day. My red blood cell count is very low. I'm at 8 and if the IV's and liquid iron do not help then I'm back in the hospital to get a blood transfusion. I'm still weak and tired. I also lost weight to quickly. I have an appointment with my surgeon Thursday to check on my progress. I was given Marinol to help with the nausea. This has really helped. Please call your surgeon and let him know what is going on.
As bad as I KNOW you feel, it does make me feel a little better that there is someone else out there that is having/ has had the same problem I am having. I am really sorry to hear that you have to do home IV treatments, I know that is no fun. My prayers are with you on getting better soon and hopefully we will both be over this very soon! Just a question, I have also been doing the dry heaving, stomach is sore, very weak, etc, etc (all that goes along with that); I do have an apointment with my surgon in a little over a week but do you think that I should call him sooner? (I do know the answer to this but sometimes it is nice to know that I am not just being an alarmist.). Again, thankyou so much for your reply and feel free to contact me at any time!
Hello Kathy,
Our surgeon warns us even before surgery that there can be some nasea and vomiting between 4 -12 weeks post op because of your body getting used to its new mechanics ... There is a lot goin' on in that thang right now!!!
He also sends us home with Zofran oral disolving tabs and Phenagran rectal suppositories for the nausea and vomiting ... I've only needed the Phenegran once so far .. and whew did it work fast!!! The Zofran works well for milder nausea ... You'd be surprised how willing you are, to take that rectal suppository!! LOL As for the vitamens ... I didn't have a problem the first couple of weeks after surgery, but now, I find that I really have a hard time with them, and that darn Actigal because it is so big!! I haven't found an easy solution for that yet ...
Hope you feel better soon.

I had surgery the same day as you did. First few weeks on the liquids I did ok. Had trouble also with the water so I ate a lot of crushed ice which worked out ok.
When I tried to introduce soft foods the trouble started. And then to add food like chicken forget it! I pretty much stuck with soup, and hot cerial. I am ok with the 1% milk but I can't deal with things like Carnation Instant Breakfast sugar free. Must be the fake sugar but will be sick for hours. The doctor did keep me out of work a extra week because I couldn't get my energy back.
Finally this past week I have been able to add some food chewed really well and keep the amount very small. When I do get sick I usually can walk it off and it passes. So I am thinking that my stomach is finally adapting to the changes.
So hang in there it does get better. Plus just think how great you are going to look and feel....Pattie