Has everyone started their lists yet?
Hello fellow December AMOS members! I was just wondering if anyone has started making their hospital (& other) lists yet? All I know is that I need to bring Chapstick (I've read that your lips get very dry), non-slip slippers, comfy going home clothes & possibly a small fan (if the hospital allows--some say you'll be hot after surgery). Does anyone have anything else that they have heard are good to bring as well???? How about other lists???? I feel as if I'm getting so anxious & excited that I can't focus on my list-making
Take care all & {{{hugz}}}

List?? I can't think that straight yet!LOL!
I have a tiny little travel fan, so yeah, it will be going with me.
as far as everything else, I can't really get it straight. My hubby and I are both having surgery on the same day, so I really do need to get started on my lists! I just feel kinda overwhelmed!
Your own pillow! I had surgery (hysterectomy) in January and that was the best advice I got. You end up getting a good night's sleep, plus you can use it to cushion yourself on the way home. I brought books with me but just didn't feel inclined to read -- it was easier to put my head on the pillow and sleep. And this time (12/1), I'm going to do the same thing except I'll do plenty of walking in between the naps!
Oh, don't forget your moisturizer too!
Good Luck,
List? List?!! Egads!! I Needa List!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hmm lemme see, chapstick. pillow.......the slippers.......good lord other than that and loose fitting clothes n a nightgown I dunno what else Should be taken. other than personal hygene that isnt spelled right, stuth. Good luck Nicole n everyone else!!
Dr. Marshall
Dec. 12th 2003
Yeah! {Hey why dont we have the lil emoticons here too?}
is mah fav one hehe