4 Yr Anniversary on the 15th........
I guess when you are living life to the max, special dates can slip by....that's exactly what happened. Saturday was my four year WLS anniversary. It seems longer, I think. I remember being overweight but it seems like it was "someone else". It's weird.
Just a little history....at one year post I had lost too much weight (weight was 113#) and then I gained a few pounds the following year. I've stayed pretty close to 122-125 for the past couple of years......it's perfect for my 5'5".
I'm blessed.....more than I ever deserve. God has been gracious to me. Merry Christmas, Happy Hannaka, Happy Kwanza........However you choose to observe these special days....do so with a grateful heart.
Sunny, Hi there. My day the same as yours passed me by also. Yes life is different and thank God I am blessed to be here to enjoy this.As you one year post-op I was a bit too thin. I am up about 15 pounds post-op and feel great. I would like to take off 10 of those pounds. Thin feels so good and yes I am enjoying this "someone's elses life" God has been good to me.
Happy Holidays to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!