Let's encourage each other
Hello all you December 2003 surgery people!
We are too blessed to be depressed and let our weight control us!!!!
I had lost 110 lbs and have gained between 40 and 50 lbs back. I hate myself for it. I am feeling fat again and none of my little clothes fit any more.
Let's try to stick together and encourge each other to try to lose a little before the Holiday**** us and each of our anniversary dates. We need to pray for each other also. Prayer is what got me through the surgery and losing weight and now I am relying on your prayers again.
Let's start small. Try to drink your water and/or try to exercise a little.
Be sure and post your updates.
Take care and God Bless
Hi there Bobbie, How are you? I undestand how you feel. I lost about 125 lbs and was much too thin, I am now up about 10 pounds and feel aweful. I have no clothes, and will not buy any. I am determined to take this extra weight off and stay in my Size 8 clothes. My family says I look better with more weight on, but I know how I feel.
Yes the holidays are here and it's not easy. I am always posting and wondering where is everyone. I am a true beliver in prayers and I will put you in mine, and the rest of us. I pray everyday for everyone.
I am not good at drinking water, but I have began to drink some more Crystal Light.
God Bless
Can everyone give a SHOUT OUT!!!!

Hi Bobbie,
I've gained some since my one year post op low weight of 113#......which was way too low. But having gained 20 pounds.......I hate it. I want to get it off, even if friends and famly think I look better at 130#.....I hate it! (I said that once, didn't i?) I know its because I'm not exercising like I should.....and my H20 is not what it should be either. Thanks for the challenge.

Hello everyone, i'm reaching my 4 year anniversary and get worried as well. I guess reading everyone's post so far I can relate as well. I also am about 20 lbs up from my lowest. So I've been on atkins now for about a week and a half and it seems so much harder to loose compared to our first month. I've only lost 2 lbs. But I know it works so I will be sticking to it. So lets keep everyone posted and wish us luck.
Happy Friday.