Lets all update and say HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!
Hi there guys and gals!!
How is everyone doing? Happy Spring and everything else that goes happy with it!
Just a few questions?
How is everyone feeling?
I am feeling fine. I am gardening and enjoying my new retirement life. I am on new blood pressure meds that seem to be working, but sometimes my pressure gets lower than I usually carry so it makes me a bit dizzy. My toes are healing from the surgery in November, but being diabetic with nueropathy, I had a hard time. I am taking Suparitz injections for my knee for 5 weeks and it's seems to be helping.Otherwise I am good.
What are your plans for the Spring? Anything exciting?
I am playing in the garden. I have planted cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce. We really can't leave his elderly dad alone too much. He does not seem to be doing very well. He just came out of the nursing home and we will try to keep him home with private nurses. I am sure he can't remain home too much longer. There is not too much he can do for himself anymore. We are planning our 3 year anniversary in November so we will get someone to stay here will to go to Vegas or somewhere. It willl be 1 year July 1st I am living with him.
How is everyone holding up with their weight and eating habits?
I am holding on to 150 lbs and feeling great. I think for over 3 years post-op I have done well. I still have trouble with meat and pasta, but otherwise I am OK.
Lets all check it guys and gals and say HI!!!!!

Hi Lorraine,
I'm still hanging on. My weight is dropping again. Down to between 125 and 127. My CFS is active again. It's giving me a hassle. No one knows what to do.
My grandson is in from S.Carolina for 2 weeks. He's 13 and enjoying his visit. I don't know how many more visits he'll have so I wanted to make sure I saw him this year. He's really grown. He's with his grampa today. Tomorrow he goes with his great-gram to visit his aunt and cousin at the farm.
I'm taking as much time as I can off to be with him, but I don't have a lot of time left as I don't work full time, but we are enjoying what we do have. He's such a sweet tempered kid.
I don't do much of anything other than work and do a little housework. I hired a cleaning person, but I can do a little, just not much. Joe helps a lot. He's a wonderful husband. I don't know what I'd do without him. He takes such wonderful care of me and puts up with my horrible mood swings, my lack of ability to go anywhere or do anything. And never once complains, ever, not one word. I sure have a treasure.
That neurapathy is awful, isn't it? I have it in both feet and it drives me crazy sometimes, especially when my RLS kicks up. You be careful with cuts and surgery with your sugar. Take it real easy and make sure your wounds get plenty of air and heal completely.
Hi there Nona,Hi there my friend.
I am happy to see you are spending time with your grandson. Enjoy him and enjoy life. I have a wonderful boyfriend who puts up with my mood swings.I made him nuts because after the hammertoe surgery and my inability to heal, I was very moody. You said you have nueropathy? Is that from Diabetes or another condition? I have nerve damage permanent, but no pain since I had WLS. The damage has been done, It just feels numb and cold,no pain.
Keep in touch

Hi Lorraine and Nona:
Glad to read your posts and updates. I am just coming to the end of having three weeks off between the regular school calendar and summer school. I actually have found myself missing work. I'm keeping busy, though. I am taking online classes for my Batchelor's of Science in Nursing from the University of North Alabama in FLorence, AL. I should have my BSN by May of next year. I will take another break after summer school ends (July 27) and the beginning of the new school year starts. (Aug. 21.) This is good since I will be available to help my daughter who is having my 2nd granddaughter (4th grandchild) due late July or early August. I would really like to find a nursing position closer to my house but right now, I'm thankful for the flexibility in the job I have.
My weight is stable between 120-125. I occasionally get the foamies when I attempt to drink even a few sips of liquid after I eat. (I should know better, right?) Hubby and I took a cruise early in June and I have some of those pictures posted on my profile. It was wonderful. I took the stairs anytime I went anywhere on ship and we walked the track. We did a lot of walking in the ports, too. Meals were great and proportioned so I managed to lose a couple of pounds.
I still had to assure waiting staff that the food was "good" because I left 80% of my food on the plate still.
Things I can't eat are rice, bread and foods with garlic.....things I don't like to eat but tolerate are eggs and chicken. I'm addicted to my KIND nut protein bars. I buy them by the case and have at least two a day. I walk but not every day. I mow our yard and weed eat....sometimes twice a week during the rainy season, which is now until November. I planted lots of flowers and two fruit trees last week. This week I'm keeping my three year old grandson and we swim in the pool and go to the park and play on the playground equipment every day. Tomorrow ALL the family comes to town for a family picnic at the zoo. I think I stay pretty active for a 57 year old. I have no current major health issues....I know I'm blessed.
It's always good to read your progress and hear what's going on in your lives. I hope the rest of your summer is a memorable one......filled with lots of sunshine!