Anyone else off track?
Hi there Tracy,
How are you? Happy New Year to you!! Most of us posting here have all been about 3 years post-op. You did not mention your weight loss, how much you have lost. When I finish posting this,I will read your profile. Remember perfection is non-existant, so if you have lost most of your weight from this remarkable WLS you have accomplished alot.We are not perfect, but almost.
I lost 115 lbs and have been at "Goal" for the longest. Food is easier than it has been for me to digest now. The crunchies are the worse. Food seems to be harder to digest.I got to a low of 135 lbs which to me was just to thin at 5ft6. I now bounce anywhere from 140-150 lbs and still can wear my Size 8 clothes. I have to be very careful with my weight gain, I was a brittle diabetic, and suffered many other symtoms of obesity related illness. I tryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I said try to watch what I eat. I am trying to drink more water and eat less carbs. I took some bloodwork last week and my sugars are up a bit. I had foot surgery and can't exercise and move about too much. I will try to keep moving until I go back.
Keep up your great work, you have done well.
Don't be down on yourself. You need a ((((((HUG)))))))))
We are here with you, YOu are never alone.
Keep posting and hold that head up HIGH!!

Hi Tracy,
This is actually my first time back here in about a year. I stopped coming when everyone started hitting their goals & I was still plugging along, with no end in sight. I got very jealous & had to leave. I'm glad I checked in.
Yes, I have slipped some too. Although I never hit my goal of 165, I was happy with 180 & still worked at it, haphazardly. I too got into the snacking mode but was able to at least stay at that weight. Then all he_ _ broke lose here & I let 'er go. My sister got gravely ill & from one hour to the next we didn't know if she'd be alive. I'd go to work all week & then on weekends sit by her bedside 100 miles away from home. I turned to the only comfort I had, food. I ate all the time & gained 20 lbs. She finally recovered but the damage was done. I had created a new bad habit. At the same time my job situation got crazy. We had been warned that our jobs were being eliminated but they weren't sure when, but certainly in a couple months. I started making plans, registered for college, and plugged along at work with the uncertainty causing more stress. That couple months stretched out to almost a year. I had to postpone starting school as I couldn't afford to pass up my severance package by just quitting. Now I'm a college student--- more stress and temptation to eat. I'm dealing with it. besides, I love school!!
Last month I went for my 3 year appointment, expecting to get a real scolding by the PA. She didn't as she knew about my situation but I have to go back again in March, minus 10 lbs. So... I gained 3 more during the holidays.
I make a resolution to not snack on anything but fruit & veggies & so far so good. Maybe I can work my way back to no snacking. For me it seems to be all or nothing. Once I start snacking, theres no stopping.
Well, I didn't plan to make this long. I just wanted you to know you're not alone. Most of my friends who are 2-3 years out seem to be having the same problem. We didn't gain our weight with good eating habits & those bad habits are very hard to keep away.
Good luck.

Hi Tracy!
I haven't posted in a long time, but wanted to share that you aren't the only one! I have had a whirlwind year. After much trouble getting pregnant in Jan 06 we found out that we were expecting, Jacob was born on Sept 26. After being told to eat more to be sure enough nutrients were accumulated throughout the day, I am now trying to lose the extra 25 lbs that were packed on during pregnancy! Very frustrating, but hoping to make a new start in the new year. Joining a ladies only gym named Butterfly (hoping to not only tone and lose weight, but maybe get some time to myself to enjoy freedom LOL)
Good luck trying to get your 40 back! Take care!

well i have an "excuse" that is 7 1/2 months old....
but to be honest I got to goal of 140 then got preggers....gained 50 lbs while pg then lost all of it but 10 lbs now.
I should have only gained 30 lbs and then I would have been back to goal at 3 wks after delivery....but oh well
now with 10 lbs to go.....and planning to get pregnant again this summer I am not really trying. Started having some IBS issues again this fall which had been gone after not sure what the baby did to my digestive system!!! BUT pcp dr put me on Celexa (seratonin inhibitor that works in the gut he said) to help with the abdominal cramping and I lost 5 lbs over December. Got a stomach bug after Xmas and haven't started back on the pills. I think they will help me lose the last 10. I am up 1 size jeans (for comfort) but my skinny ones WILL BUTTON just don't like how they push out my fat roll.
Also have more belly fat after baby so will definitely have plastics in a few years to remove it and reinflate my boobs!
Oh Yeah. My scale died a year ago and I didn't replace it. Then I started having some medical issues and periodically went to the Dr's where they weighed me. Still creeped up some, but not alarmingly so. Some of it I attributed it to the medical issues. I still think that probably 10 lbs of that true, but the other 10 lbs is all me.
I was sick yesterday and and called into work. I started feeling better in the afternoon, and visited the local thrift store to see if I could find something cheap and pretty to wear. Haven't been there in awhile, but I usually end up with an armful of stuff. Everything I tried on, really looked ugly
. I went bra shopping at Walmart and that didn't go well either. Definately shocked me back into reality. In the past year I have revisited some really, really, ugly eating habits. I know better, and I didn't have this surgery to fail. Before I gained this weight back, I was stil 30 lbs from what I considered my goal
Then and there I made a new decison
. I don't want to punish myself, because I would just rebel and make it so much worse. I will go back to basics. Since I am offically a pre op (3 wks) from another surgery, I can't do anything crazy anyway
. I am going to go back to what I did preop , preparing for the bypass surgery. It isn't unhealthy and my organs and digestive track will be prepared for the trauma that is to come. It should also take 10- 15 lbs off, and the plan is to reset my eating habits again. 21 days of liquids, protein, lots of water, broth stuff like that. I know I can do it because I did before. Wasn't pleasant, but I wanted, and needed that surgery more than anything else. I could just picture my liver being all boggy, and the Dr not being able to get underneath it to do the bypass. Then, in the process having my liver knicked up badly, and because of the consistency not being able to repair it. Since that surgery, my life has gotten so much better. Thin is just normal now. Even though I didn't really feel "thin". Back them people were telling me I couldn't afford to lose any more or I would be a skin and bones. Yeah, right. I have seen several women that had this surgery, and slowly gained back most of what they lost. That could be me
. Yesterday was the first day in a year or more that I came back to this board. I am grateful for it. I wish you luck in 07 and am sending you love and light. We can do this!

Hello Tracie,
Yes, I have fallen off the tracks also. I have gained 30 pounds. Good to know that I am not alone. I have joined Curves this month and hope working out helps. I seem to eat all the time. I wonder if I have stretched my stomach.
Also, I have terrible problems with gas. Thank goodness my husband loves me!!!
I'm glad we have a place to compare with others.
Take care and God Bless, Bobbie
hello tracie,
forgive my typing, i'm feeling too lazy to use caps. i am 3 years out and off track. i started at 308 and made it down to 175. over the last year i have gained and the scale flex's between 195 & 203. OMG the 2's again is all i keep thinking. somedays it seems for everystep forward i make i fall back 2.
Lately i have been having some medical problems. since surgery (of which i have NO regrets and would do it again in a second) i had an inscissional hernia repair, a recurring hernia repair, and then last year i hade 5 more hernias repaired. my entire stomach region inside is mesh. no prob, right. 3 weeks ago i got the intestinal bug. couldn't drag my butt out of bed. finally went to the doctor and she ordered blood work. Well, i knew i was now anemic but the results were worse than i imagined. not only was my iron down to an 8 but my hemoglobin was a 10.3 (low is 15). i had to do the stool test. Yep, that was positive for blood. i am having an ednoscope and colonoscopy 4/10/07. after they fix what i like to call "the leak" i will have to go to a hemo specialist. They will start Iron infusions by IV.
So no you know a little about me, i love to use the excuse, i'm so tired and fatigued everyday that i eat to stay focused, or alert, or to get energy. and of course i'm eating too much and the wrong foods. the more i become afraid of gaining the weight back, the more i eat. We all know that story.
Since i have to flush myself out before the test's 4/10/07, i plan to use that as a good time to jump start myself back on track. the infusions should help me get my energy back, not feel fatigued, and help me sleep better. i think once i feel better i will do better.
i wish you luck on getting back on track. i know what you are going through. feel free to lean on me anytime. it's always nice to know we are not alone. i honestly thought i was the only one experiencing weight gain.
i would love to hear back from you.
Lori [email protected]