Hello People
Steve, Hi
I love that picture you have on your message board of you and your son. Yes living the great life is the best.
to you and I am going to enjoy each day also. There are no words to how ..........GREAT thin feels. I hope you are well, I am also enjoying each day and thanking God for me decision to do this WLS. I am sorry to did not do it sooner. Please keep posting. I am wondering ....Maybe next year we all could meet in a place all convenient to us. I would love to meet each and every one of you guys who have taken this journey with me.

Hi Lorraine
A get together would be really great.I'm glad to hear that you are happy.I wish I had wls years ago as well but i'm enjoying the new life I was giving and try not to look back.The picture is of me and my Nephew Noah but he is like a son to me.I helped raise him since he was 5 months old.It is always nice to hear from you ,you always have a kind word for me and I thankful to have been on this journey with you.If not for wls ours paths would not of crossed and that is sad to think about.I hope you have a great night Lorraine love steve
Hello to all...
To update, I had my Lap RNY 12-15-2003. I lost my weight fast putting me at goal in 6 months. By one year post surgery I was exactly 1/2 of my pre surgery weight. (228/114). I'm still below goal and maintaining at 120-125 which is good for my
5' 5 1/2". I complete my RN/AS in December and look forward to my 2nd career opportunities.
It would be nice to get able to get together for a December 03 class reunion.
Blessings to everyone....

Hi Steve
My name is Darlene and would like to congradulate u on ur journey. There is nothing better than being able to get around easier and healthier, so i know i'll be here for my family, especially my beautiful grandchildren. My highest weight was 318 lbs. I had started to check out wls in october of 2003. I got an appt for a lecture in buffalo in april of 2004 then from there i got all the tests, doctors appointments, paperwork done and turned in by august and had a surgery date for september of 2004. In May of 2004 my brother who lived in NH got sick his skin had been yellow for almost a yr and had gotten a letter from the doc telling him his liver wasn't functioning properly. He never got it checked. he was very obese weighing 450 lbs. and was a smoker for 30 yrs. also had sugar problems. He had gone to the er one day with alot of pain and was told he had to have his gallbladder out well to try to make this shorter than a book after surgery he never came off the respirator he was critical for 2 1/2 wks and passed on may 21st 2004 he was only 44. He had alot of health problems. I had seen him during the critical time he was in icu and had to come back to NY there was no change until i had been back home a week then we had to go back for the funeral and after that i wasn't going to change my mind i needed to have this surgery not just for me but for him. He was interested in the surgery also and was checking it out shortly before he died. I miss him terribly
I'm so glad i had this surgery i now weigh 143 lbs. and no high blood pressure. I can chase my grandkids around and do so much more than i ever thought i could. You have done a great thing and I am so proud of your accomplishments you deserve to be happy
I saw your page and thought oh wow this guy has done so good what if my brother hadn't waited so long to get help we would be spending time today
good luck to you and if you would like to chat sometime just email me

Hi Steve!
I had WLS December 16, 2003 and it also changed my life. I just went through a round of plastic surgery and it was definately a trying experience. I had 5 procedures done at one time, a bilateral belt lipectomy, panniculectomy, thigh lift, diastasis recti (muscle repair) and pubic lift. My PS was August 3 and I am just now at a point where I think I am on the road to recovery. I got a pulmonary embolism 2 days after surgery and had to be hospitalized for a week. that was scary...but I would still do it all over again because the results are amazing. The PS was able to pull 31 pounds of exess skin/flesh from my abdomen area and I am down to about 140 pounds now.
Glad you are doing well!