Summer Plans.....
My goodness....where is everyone.
Our last post was June 7????
Where are you taking your vacation this summer?
We leave for Gatlinburg, TN on June 29...I can hardly wait.
I just want to relax by the mountain stream with a good book that is NOT about nursing.
I just registered for my final semester
I get most of August off, too so I'm trying to talk DH into a nice cruise from our Miami Port.
How the weight? Taking those vitamins? Keeping up your fluids? Doing your "movin'"?
It's easy to keep the pounds off push mowing my yard in this So. Florida heat and humidity. I think it's going to be a for us.

lessame thanb4
on 6/19/06 10:10 am - MYTOWN, ID
on 6/19/06 10:10 am - MYTOWN, ID
Hello!! I agree we are slowing down at an alarming rate. Have a great time in TN. I went last summer as you may remember. I had waited to go my whole life and it was worth it. It was very quiet there and being removed from the hussle and bussle was different. I will be traveling to DC this weekend for work and should have a chance to sight see again.
To answer you other question I am holding at 215 and I guess that is ok. I have become an outsider/lawn boy again. I hate bermuda grass and ants. They are my nemisis. An to wrap up best of luck as you finish your degree. Hope to hear from more of you.......mark
Well we have already went on one vacation.. WE try to do two each summer one with the kids and one alone. Gotta work at that We took the kids to Disney World in February. And then to Panama City Beach Florida in May. We are going back to PCB end of this month with some friends.. I was hoping to be at my goal weight before we went again.. But I'm not there yet. Im in a bikini and I guess that is all that matters.. I got a friend that just got a membership to Golds Gym so she is gonna start going with me.. It is so much easier when you have a work out partner.. Someone to keep you motivated and for you to help motivate. Have a great summer everyone.. I have been working on my tan.. My kids and hubby say I need to stop Till next time.. Be a looser!
I'm still here. I go to PT twice a week. I'm still not working. I'm having a lot of pain with my left shoulder. I guess I'm looking at a replacement. God, more surgery. I'm trying everything to avoid it. I need to get back to work. We're nearly broke. Money is very tight. We've cut just about everything except the 'net. Joe says he won't take that as I need it for so much. But just about everything else has been cut. We don't go anywhere or do anything. Our treat is to scrape enough cash together for Joe to get a small soft ice cream after grocery shopping on Saturday and I take one lick. Not much fun, but until I can get back to work, my medical bills are killing us. The co pay's per week alone are $125.00. Plus meds. If we had no insurance, they'd be 2 grand. So I would be in bed doing nothing but crying in pain because we'd never afford it.
My weight is down and holding at around 183-5. Size 14. I'm seeing a therapist and a psychologist for depression. Surprise? Stress can do that with this stinking disease. But Joe and I have each other. Thank Jehovah for that.