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Dana S.
on 3/28/04 4:13 am - Osceola, WI
Topic: 15 MONTHS POST OP and MAJOR problem!!!
I am 15 months post and having problem. I have had this problem for 14 months. I have severe pain on my right side almost like gall bladder attack ALL the time but they took my gallbladder during bypass. They put me on oxycontin which helped some but not much, now from all the med's I have a 25mm x 25mm ulcer on my stomach. Which is not the cause of the pain as the pain was there before the ulcer. Anyone else had this?? No doctors can seem to figure it out. Now I am on 2 100 microgram Fentanyl patches every two days. My doc says this dose would normally kill a person. Not me, barely masks the pain. And I am nauseous ALL the time. For no reason, even if I dont eat or drink still nauseous. I had an Endoscopy last week which should have been an ERCP but the dumb doc saw the ulcers and stopped the test thinking thats what the problem was. If anyone else has heard of this let me know. I am desperate. At this point I would rather be dead then live EVERY day with this pain. I am no good to my family in this condition. Thank you!!
Laura W.
on 3/27/04 11:46 am - Clarkesville, GA
Topic: RE: oops I forgot. 12/6/02 my 1st Anniversary
I wanted to wish you luck with your weight loss. I had my surgery on Dec 16 2002, same month as you. I remember when I got below 200. I cried and screamed and thanked the Lord. I hope by the time you read this you have experienced that for yourself. You look great. Keep up the good work. Laura Waters Cornelia GA [email protected]
Laura W.
on 3/27/04 11:40 am - Clarkesville, GA
Topic: RE: 1 year, 1 month,16 days post-op
Hi Frank, I just wanted to reply to your message you posted on I was taking a medicine called Vioxx for my severe back pain (I have a herniated disk) The Vioxx removed the mucous lining in the stomach that prevents acid from eating away the lining on the stomach. Well in most people, they can take antacids or pepsid etc to fix the problem and keep that from happening. However, the Vioxx was taking away the mucous from my "bypassed" stomach and the antacids had no way to get to that stomach. No only that, but it never got food or drink in that part to coat the lining therefore it just ate away at the lining of my bypassed stomach giving me horrible ulcers. I had the same symptoms you had, unbelieveable pain, nausea and so forth. I was miserable. The doctor had to do three surgeries to fix this. It could have been done in 1 procedure but the insurance required it to be in 3. First he put me under anesthesia and and a tube with camera down into my new pouch to see if there were any ulcers in there. The next day, he cut into my bypassed stomach to see if there were any ulcers in there. There were. So one week later, he went back in and completly removed my bypassed stomach. What an ordeal! But I am grateful it is over. No more pain. I am probably giving you more info than you needed but I am just trying to help. If you would like to ask me any questions, feel free to write to me. Laura Waters [email protected]
Laura W.
on 3/27/04 11:29 am - Clarkesville, GA
Topic: Size 28 to 0 in 15 months!!!!!!!
Hello all, I am so excited I just had to share. When I started out I was 258 lbs and was wearing a size 28. Today I am sitting here weighing 116.5 and am wearing a size 0 pants!! I can even breath in them. I have pants that range from 0 to 3 depending on who makes them. I am thrilled! I never would have thought it would be possible to get this small. I remember the day of surgery wishing to be a size 9 again, since I hadn't been that size since I was about 12 years old. Now I have blown that size away. What a difference 15 months makes in a life! I feel like I have finally got my life back. Laura Waters Cornlia GA [email protected]
on 3/8/04 10:33 am - A City in, PA
Topic: RE: Weight loss
Excelent weigth loss!!!! Keep it up!!! Here is mine: Pre-op 312 Current 188 Lost 124 Goal 125-130 Desiree
Jaimee S.
on 3/3/04 2:02 pm - Flushing, NY
Topic: Weight loss
Pre-op 276lbs. 14mos post-op 145lbs.
on 3/3/04 12:31 pm - NJ
Topic: update wt
Pre-op wt 400 lbs open Rny 14th month wt loss - 192 lbs todays wt 208 lbs
Sherry D S.
on 2/27/04 5:10 pm - Puyallup (Now I'm in Roy), WA
Topic: RE: This info can help us all
I feel so bad for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That almost defeats having this surgery in one way. Depending if you were an emotional eater or not. You need to seek a second opinion!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am serious, I have a feeling my DR. would see you, I am in Washington. But I am sure there are other Doctors that would see you. You need to get that fixed. Come to think of it, I don't feel full. I don't feel full until 20 minutes after I have eaten. I never eat slow enough to know if I am full before it is too late. Sherry D Good Luck! [email protected]
Naes Wls J.
on 2/27/04 6:04 am - NJ
Topic: This info can help us all
This was posted on the main board, Hope it helps someone. RE: I need opinions~ the thing to keep in mind about carbs is that there are two kinds---simple and complex. Simple carbs are found mostly in bread, white rice, potatoes, grain, corn, pasta, and such---the starchy things. Simple carbs are very quickly broken down into sugar, which raises the blood sugar level and causes insulin to be released. These are the carbs that trigger carb cravings. Complex carbs are found in veggies and fruits, and they require more 'work' to be broken down into sugar. They don't raise the blood sugar level, so they don't cause insulin to be released. Most docs say these complex carbs are something we NEED, and shouldn't really worry about. They give us energy, and don't make us crave more. If you can just stay away from the starchy stuff, yo
Amy G.
on 2/25/04 7:05 am - Wausau, WI
Topic: I'm so happy for all of u. I went though all of it and am still FAAT!!!!!!!
I read all of these posting and I want to be like one of you in them. I had my wls on 12/2/02 and I weight 298lbs. It's been more than a year and I weight 230. I just had an upper GI and it shows that everything i end or drink goes straight down.....there's no stomoach for it to stop it to make me feel full. The doctor said that i'll just have to be carefull to watch what I eat cuz now i'll never feel full.!!!!!!!WHAT WAS THE POINT OF HAVING THIS SURGURY IF THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN? Most of my days are now sitting around and crying that i went though the surgery and it's not going to help me out at all. I can't live like this. I don't understand why they can't do back inside and fix it...make me a smallly stomach! Well..i guess i'll shut up now....ya know...i ALMOST started to think there was a God when I was told I was approved for this surgery---now I don't know if there really is on.
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