Back again at the 3 year+ Mark
I'm back again......Here I am, 3 yrs. 1 1/2 months post-op. Yay! However, things do get a little tougher in life. You gotta watch!
I recently was married at the end of Novemeber and had a wonderful honeymoon! HOWEVER, along with the "CRUISE" honeymoon came an additional 8-10 lbs over 10 days! YIKES! Good food does it all the time
It's been tough trying to take it off now. I'm just trying to go back to 6 meals a day, water water water..... increased protein and little to no carbs. I've managed to take off about 3-4 lbs. So, that makes me feel a bit better. Anyone else who has experienced a gain after surgery?

My surgery was 4 yrs last Dec. When I gained 25# I had some tests done to see if I stretched my pouch. No...but the exit is too big and it is letting food out of the pouch too fast so I'm hungry al the time. I went back to my surgeon and he said that my insurance won't pay for banding of that exit (about $4000) unless I gain all my weight back! I can't let that happen! I recently started South Beach Diet and have lost 13.5 lbs in two weeks. Phase One really is how I should have been eating all along. I eat every two and a half hours and pick protein first. I think I can keep going on this and shed those pounds plus some more since I never reached goal in the first place. Marie