Iron Deficiency
I had to have them frequently last summer, none since Aug. It took about 3 minutes, placed an IV in my arm, pushed a low dose steroid, the Iron and them some Normal Saline to flush the catheter, pulled it out, put a bandaid on my arm and I went to work. Never had a reaction (adverse) to any of it. It brought my hematocrit up from 22 to 40 in 3 months. It was 32 in October, hasnt been checked since, will be rechecked in March. My MD said research shows about 20% of bypass patients will not absorb oral Iron in any form and will probably always need periodic infusion. I fought it for about 3 yrs. If I had realized what a piece of cake it was I would have done it much sooner. I had to pass out at work to get my wake up call that this couldn't be managed with oral Iron. Best wishes