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I have no advice for how to surviving the pre op diet, I am in the middle of it myself... But it will be ok, I think I will survive.
I ate a little extra protein this evening and a little bit too much cucumber, because it was so good - and I feel uncomfortably stuffed. Same as yesterday. It is amazing how little you can eat! And I haven't even had the surgery yet!
What does your diet plan look like?
Congratulations on your upcoming surgery (mine is the 8th too!). I hope everything goes smooth and complication free. And I'm sure you'll be out of the hopital by your birthday, although you may not feel your best. Just think how great the NEXT birthday will be, when you are so much healthier! Best of luck to you.

Today is my Day 6, I feel deprived and try to sleep a lot to make time pass.
I have noticed that smells bother me more too - it's like all my senses are focused suddenly.
I'm so excited that I have finally been given the go ahead for my Lap Band surgery! My rebirthday is the 9th of Nov!!! I will be starting the pre op diet tomorrow and am a bit nervous about starting the replacement diet but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it in mo time!
Does any one have any advice for surviving the pre op diet? Or any advice as to Lap banding in general I would be totally up for some helpful hints and suggestions!
Bring on the new me!
I just hope I'm out of the hospital by my birthday (the 11th)
Best of luck to all the other November surgeries out there!!!