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Topic: made it home today!

Had my surgery Monday...but because my blood pressure went up along with my pulse rate, they decided to keep me another day. So far everything is going good...sure and sore and haven't had a bm...I guess I have that to look forward to! lol

Topic: Good luck to all my Nov 14 friends
Good luck tomorrow. I got home yesterday and the fear of the unknown is worse then the actual pain. It wasn't as bad as I had imagined.
You're in my thoughts.
See you on the losers bench
You're in my thoughts.
See you on the losers bench
Topic: RE: Return to Work
I just t hink that it is so different for everyone! :-) I am having open rny on the 25th and I am really hoping to be back to work on the 15th! I am going to follow every rule there is! Best of luck to both of you! :-) We're all in this together! :-)
444.5 / 430.2 / 408.2 / 299.8 / 244.5 / 249 / 225
Highest / 07-11-08 / 11-25-08 / 06-07-09 / 03-25-10 / 01-31-11 / STG
444.5 / 430.2 / 408.2 / 299.8 / 244.5 / 249 / 225
Highest / 07-11-08 / 11-25-08 / 06-07-09 / 03-25-10 / 01-31-11 / STG
Thanks for the response, Susie. I read so much here that I got scared and started having negative thoughts. My surgery is going to go so smoothly, I am going to have minimum amounts of pain and I am going to be back to work in 2 weeks! :-)
444.5 / 430.2 / 408.2 / 299.8 / 244.5 / 249 / 225
Highest / 07-11-08 / 11-25-08 / 06-07-09 / 03-25-10 / 01-31-11 / STG
444.5 / 430.2 / 408.2 / 299.8 / 244.5 / 249 / 225
Highest / 07-11-08 / 11-25-08 / 06-07-09 / 03-25-10 / 01-31-11 / STG
Topic: RE: Return to Work
Good Luck on your surgery!! First of all I would ask which surgery are you having?? I had a laproscopic RNY on Monday. Even tough I am virtually pain free today, I get tired very easy. i am also fighting pain meds withdrawl headaches. I teach school and had been told that being out about a week and a half would be fine since I can get up as I need and sit down as needed and go to the bathroom, etc.... I had planned to go back to work next Thursday but am now considering waiting until the following Monday just to make sure. I think it all depends on the person and how much stress you are under at work.
Topic: RE: Journey just beginning
Congrats on making your decision! I hope your emeting tonight will have all the infomation you need. I am in N. Cali and i am 31. Anyway, I am 12 days away from surgery. Keep us posted on your progress. I had my first appt. with my surgeon on 8-20, and my 2nd on 10-10 and that's when they scheduled my can move faster and it can move A LOT slower...don't get discouraged, just keep swimming!
Topic: Journey just beginning
My WLS Surgery is just beginning. I have done a lot of reading and information gathering. I am going to the information meeting tonight. I am very excited. Would like to meet new friends as I embark on the WLS journey. I am a 39 year old female from South Orange County California.
Topic: Return to Work
Hello everyone, I just got word yesterday that my insurance company accepted the surgery. I am so excited. If I could have, I would have had the surgury done today, but unfortunately the first open surgery date is on 12/11 so I still have to wait almost another month. I have a question. I've heard that I could return to work in 1 week while others said that it takes at least 2 weeks. I work in an office so it's not awfully strenuous. Were any of you able to go back to work after 1 week?
Topic: RE: home at last
How scary for you Susie. Glad to hear that you are on the mend. Pneumonia is nothing to screw around with.